Chapter One

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 I awoke. In a bit of a daze, I stumbled onto my feet and scanned my surroundings. Found my ID and wallet on the floor next to me... where was I? City alley, by the looks of it. I quickly attempted to regain my senses and understand what was happening. There were three or four bums around me; they smelled of body odor and a foul decay. That lingering musk remained even after I left the alley, and I would hope I'd never have to have my nose combat that again. Hastily, I traversed my way around South Neberity, trying to locate a bank of some sort. Needed to get to the piano recital.

First Bank of Neber was right in front of me as I crossed two streets from the alleyway. I fiddled with my credit card, trying to hold a steady hand and insert the card into the narrow opening. Must not have had a great night out with the boys, I thought begrudgingly to myself, as I managed to insert the card. The mechanism was flawed, a bit too small to comfortably fit your hand into but just large enough so that it was actually physically possible. It spouted out remarks of low APR credit, and new leases on cars and homes within the metropolitan area. It shouted at me, remarking that I was a failure of a parent and I was a failure of a human being. I disdainfully looked at it, and also began to wage a war of words with the mighty machine. All bark. No bite. It couldn't beat me. Nobody could. Except me.

I was talking to a normal ATM whose sole purpose was to dispense the populous' monetary funds. Money money money. "Goddamn machines, sons of bitches are everywhere," I groaned. I grabbed my money, and rushed off to the recital.

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