Chapter Four

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 I need it. I need it badly. Like they say. Once an addict, always. I attempted to try and amble home, either to beg for forgiveness or to throw it all away once and for all. I found my old street, the one that was on my ID. Sill St. Like window sill. I always told that joke to Marlene, and that little furball used to always sit and laugh and grab my face. She's twelve now. I don't think she's going to be laughing any time soon other than at my funeral. She always had a fascination with bugs and entomology, for no reason whatsoever. I always thought that's what made her unique. She didn't want to be prissy and dolled up. She wanted to be an explorer, sort of like her father... God, no. Please don't ever let her end up like her father did.

I found home. I walked up and knocked on the door. My senses were numb and I felt some sort of remorse, like a death had occurred within the familial unit, but little did I understand that at that time it was my presence's death. I was no longer welcome within the home. I was no longer welcome within my own family. I had thrown it away, like everything else. Sweat dripped down my brow, and I looked toward the moon as if some astral communion could bring itself to assist me in this task. Marlene answered. The same, sweet, innocent, bug-loving voice I used to hear every day, just this time with a hint of disgust and disappointment.

"Hi, Dad."

"Hey, baby girl. Is Mom home?"

"She's out. Did you want me to tell her you stopped by?"

I looked at Marlene's face. Obviously there was something that she wasn't telling me, and something she was obviously shocked by. I felt like I had understood, and I also felt that I had overstayed my welcome.

The City of Neber and the family of Euller had betrayed me to this point. Was there another point to live? I didn't think so. I dragged my feet away, and began to walk around the block, back toward the alley.

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