Chapter Five

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 I found a needle. Thank GOD. Maybe my luck was turning around. Maybe I needed to turn around. I felt an ominous presence, one that I couldn't quite nail and couldn't quite understand. I looked around. Empty, black space. I shot up, and I could feel the narcotic entering my system. I closed my eyes.

I awoke. This time, different spot. Was I dead? Did I finally end my miserable life? No... I could still feel. This was different. This was odd. I opened my eyes to be simply blinded again by pure white. I stuck my hand out. There was... nothing. There was a long, white expanse. Blank. Tabula Rasa. I peeked my head forward, and I heard a faint rush of wind. But... If there was wind... there has to be something there. Something needs to be present. I look three hundred and sixty degrees around me, and I see nothing. I begin to call for help. Shouting, screaming, begging for someone to hear me. Maybe I didn't deserve it. Maybe I didn't get to call for help. Suddenly, I heard it. A quick, sharp click. Click. Click. CLICK. Click. Click. click...

It grew quieter as I walked in a certain direction. What it was, I was unsure. But all that I knew was that I was not alone. 

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