Chapter 15

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Chapter 15-

Brinley's POV---

It's been a couple of weeks since we were finally able to call ourselves one pack. We had quite a bit of work to do. Hayden took over scheduling all of the training classes. I took over going through all of our packs living requests and figuring out who was all mated couples now. I had decided to take a break and check on the new house. It had taken some time of course and a lot of hard work, but the finishing touches were finally complete. All of the unmated warriors were moving in as I stood there watching. The rest of the pack were just waiting on Hayden's final room assignments.

"Alpha Brinley, to what do I owe this pleasure?" Jackson strode up to me. He was next in line to becoming our pack trainer. My father's trainer, Dallas, was staying on staff for a while as we trained all of the members to the same level. Jackson, as great of a trainer as he is, had a lot to live up to after this.

"Just making sure everything is alright over here. How's the inside look?"

"It is simply amazing. There is so much space! I love your idea of making the training facility a separate structure. Having it in the basement of the old house was noisy, not to mention pretty smelly."

"I do try my best for my loyal warriors. Keep an eye on moving day here for me. I am going to head over to Hayden's old house to see how living arrangements are going. If you need anything just reach out."

I decided my wolf could use a run so I shifted to head over to the other part of the territory faster. Once I reached the familiar breach in trees I ran over to the wood shed that housed extra clothing for all members. I found a simple pair of jeans and a plain red t-shirt.

Walking into this pack house was still weird for me. Half of my pack knows this place like the back of their paws, but I still have to rely on my nose to find my sexy mate.

Instead of knocking I brushed the wooden door open with my hip. The sight before me was definitely one I would remember. My mate had papers littering his entire desk. His hair was pushed back in frustration and he hung his head in a defeated position until he heard me come in.

"Brinley, I have no idea what I got myself into with this. There are so many couples with different preferences and some don't want to room next to certain people. This is all very complex."

"Why don't I have Jazzy take over. Her and her new mate Dayton love planning things for whatever reason. And then you and I will have finished early enough we can run and catch the next training class to see what progress has been made so far."

"That sounds great to me. I am going to kick your sexy ass my little minx."

Ah so he was going to challenge me was he? Fine. I quickly mind linked Jazzy and Dayton through their mate bond and informed them of their task. Jazzy squealed back in excitement and was rushing over as we speak. That was another benefit of being Alpha. Normally you couldn't intrude on a mate bond link but as Alpha you could. It helped in more situations than one.

"If it's a challenge you want, a challenge you will get. But when I win don't let your ego take too big of a hit. I am quite fond of it." I winked.


Walking hand in hand up to the training structure I was pleased with what I had seen. The pack members were all sparring outside in the beautiful weather. The Alpha in the both of us slowed down each of their movements to better calculate what needed studying. It was a very promising session.

"Alright Brin, are you ready?"

"Are you?" I teased.

Hayden and I took our fighting stances. Once the group that was practicing noticed what we were up to they stopped to circle around and watch. Hayden had chosen a very offensive stance as I chose a defensive one. This didn't seem to surprise him, but it was about to. Even though it appeared like I was going to wait for his move, I attacked first by jumping in the air and kicking a leg out to hit him in the right ribs.

I've heard stories of mates refusing to fight one another because of the tendency to hurt them, but Hayden and I both understood this was to make our techniques better.

My move caught him off guard but he recovered quickly. To keep this fight fair we had both agreed to "turn off" the switch in our brains that would give us the advantage of slowing each other's movements. He threw a couple jabs my way. I managed to deflect all of them but one that landed on my cheek. Alpha's can fight for a good couple of hours with an average wolf, but only an hour or so with another Alpha.


Fighting, even though we have superb stamina, can really drain you. Hayden and I sat at the bar inside the house chugging water. The sweat dripping down his torso was definitely holding the majority of my attention. I could just imagine him taking me to bed right now and doing a number on me.

"Hey, are you listening to me?"

Unfortunately my sex filled thoughts were cut short.

"My bad. What were you saying?" I asked.

"Even if we didn't have the mate bond I would know what you were thinking from the mere smell of your arousal. But that's not what I was saying. I want to go out and have some fun tonight. Do you want to go to that new club that just opened up downtown? I could use your firm ass dancing around me." He threw in a wink at the end.

My eyes lit up like the fourth of July. I loved going dancing. Everyone in my old pack new this as before I took over the pack I spent a lot of Friday nights out.

"That's perfect! I'll run upstairs to get changed." Without another word I ran upstairs to pick out the perfect outfit. Jazmin had just finished up the room arrangements when I mind linked her the plans, and she was dragging Dayton to their room to get ready as well.


Thanks for tuning in... Until next time ;)

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