Interview 1: Kelseytheawsome

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Me: Hey everybody and welcome to this cool new series, Interviewing Wattcrafters! Thanks again to TimeIsTicking for this awesome job! :) So, for my first interview, we have Kelseytheawsome! Hey Kelseytheawsome! How are you?

Kelsey: Okay, I guess. If I wasn't, I wouldn't be here on wattpad would I?

Me: I guess not. Okay next question. What book is your favorite out of all the ones you've written?

Kelsey: Tamestress, I think it has original plot because Ive seen books where the mobs are the bad guys, and books where the players are the bad guys. But I like how in my book, while the two groups may not get along, neither of them are the "bad guys". I also like how in my book, I focus on the void, a area that is not focused on very much in mc fanfics

Me: Awesome! That's a very unique plot! Who is your favorite author, and your favorite book of theirs? (On wattpad)

Kelsey: Hmmmmm... That's a hard one. I guess Ill say Whitesparrow123. She doesn't actually write MC fanfics, she writes Percy Jackson fanfics, but I really like her books.

Me: Awesome! I'll go check her out some time! So, what are the ways your fans can contact you?

Kelsey: I have fans?!

Well, I respond to almost all Messages and comments, But I also have an instagram account, Thefunnyrandom stuff.

Me: That's really cool that you have Instagram for people to contact you! :D

Okay, this is going to be a very random question....

What is your favorite fruit?

Kelsey: That indeed is a random question. Banana with peanut butter I guess.

Me: That's cool! I've never had that before. I'll try it. Well that's it for this interview! Thank you so much for participating! That was fun and interesting! :)

So guys, I hope you enjoyed this fist interview with Wattcrafters! This is really fun! Put down in the comments who I should interview next, but remember the rules! No asking for an interview. :) Thanks guys!