Interview 2 XSelahX

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Me: Hey everyone and welcome back to interviewing Wattcrafters! Today, I'm interviewing XSelahX! Hey Selah! How are you?

Selah: I'm good! :) How are you? haha I'm allowed to ask you a question, right? cx

Me: I'm doing great, thank you! And haha, yeah, you can ask. Why not. XD Next question! What is your favorite book that you have written and why?

Selah: haha Alright(: And I would have to say The Year We Spent Together, since it was just really easy to write and everything just popped inside my head, I guess. haha

Me: Haha, I love that one! It's really good! Awesome choice. :) Who is your favorite author, on Wattpad or off?

Selah: I would have to say XxBaccaxX (: She's awesome. haha

Me: Cool! Her books are pretty awesome! How can your fans contact you if they need to ask a question or something?

Selah: Just PM me or post on my message board. ^-^

Me: Awesome! Okay, what do you want to be when you grow up? Like as a job?

Selah: A writer, dancer, or an actress(:

Me: Wow, cool!!! That's really interesting!! :D Well, that's it for this interview! Thank you so much Selah for participating. That was really cool to talk to you!

So yeah guys! I'll be doing some of the people you sent in next, but I was really excited to get to interview Selah. She's been my idol since I joined Wattpad. It was a really cool experience, and I'm so glad I got this great opportunity. Thanks again Selah!

And to the readers, love you all! More interviews coming soon! If you enjoyed, slaappp dat vote button witchya forehead and... bye!