Chapter 2-The Actual Story

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A/N This seems sort of fast paced, but that's just because the main character is young right now. It won't always be like this.
I find myself on the sidewalk next to what looks like an empty street. That probably has something to do with the fact that it's so dark, though it's possible it's just not a popular road. Where am I? I vaguely remember some sort of fight, and I jumped through a portal, which I think I made. I can't remember who was in the fight. Well, I know my parents were, but that's it. Now I'm here.
Where is here, anyway? I wander through the streets, looking for some type of hint at where I am. How do I get home from here? I stop in front of a newspaper stand. I crouch down to read it. Does that say... I'm in Kansas? Great. Just great. Well, let's find a way to get home.
A group of people suddenly appear nearby. I notice their wings almost immediately, and breathe a sigh of relief. I hurry up to them, glad they're here.
"Hi!" I greet them, my small voice immediately getting their attention. "You're angels, right?"
"Yes," one of them replies cautiously.
"I can't find my family, and I was hoping you could help me," I say. "I'm looking for my dad. He's an angel, too. Do you know an angel named Lucifer?"
The name seems to bring them all to life. I can see the surprise on their faces, and possibly... Fear? One of them speaks.
"You cannot be the daughter of Lucifer. He is an angel. He cannot have kids."
"But he did!" I insist. "I'm right here!"
"That's impossible," one of them says.
"But it looks like she might be right," another adds. "Look at her. I've never seen anything like her."
"What should we do with her?" a third angel asks.
"Kill me?" I repeat. "How about we don't do that? Alright, nice talking to you. Bye!" I turn to run away, but one of the angels grabs my arm and I can't. I yell loudly, hoping someone will hear me, though the place appears deserted.
"Hey!" a man's voice echoes through the open street.
I look around frantically, searching for the source of the noise. Finally, I find it; two men running towards us. Suddenly, the angels all disappear, leaving me here alone. Those two people-if they are people-scared off a bunch of angels? I don't think I want to meet them. Instead, I take off running, hoping to escape their sights. Unfortunately, my short legs are no match for the long strides of the moose-like man behind me, who catches up easily.
"Hey, wait up!" one of the men behind calls. When I don't stop, he runs in front of me, blocking my path. I glance behind me, where the other, shorter man is fast approaching. I know I can't escape now. I'm stuck. I guess I'll just have to hope these two aren't like the angels.
"Hey, what your name?" the tallest of the two asks. I can't help but admire his awesome long hair.
"Macie," I reply.
"Hi, Macie. My name's Sam, and this is my brother, Dean," he introduces them in a kind tone. "We're not going to hurt you, don't worry. We're going to get you home."
"Really?" I smile. "Thanks! Only I don't know where home is. I'm kinda lost."
"You don't know where you live?" Sam says in surprise.
I shake my head. "No. I found some angels and I thought they could help me, cuz my dad's an angel, too, but they wanted to kill me instead."
"Your dad's an angel?" Dean repeats in surprise.
I nod. "Yeah. His name's Lucifer."
Both boys' eyes go wide at that. Clearly, the name is familiar to them. They know my dad?
"You're Lucifer's daughter?" Dean repeats incredulously.
I nod. "Yeah. Do you know where he is?"
Dean opens his mouth to say something, then looks between Sam and me. Finally, he looks at me and says, "You, stay here. Sam, a word?" Without waiting for an answer, he walks away. Sam excuses himself in a more polite way, though I can clearly see his nervousness as he follows his brother.
I could easily listen to their conversation right now, but I decide against it. It's clear that they don't want me listening, and I have a feeling I don't want to be listening, either. I debate running away. I'm still not entirely sure I can trust these people. Then again, what do I have to lose? Either they help me get back home, or I'll find another way. They seem to know my dad. Maybe they can help.
Finally, the two boys return. I can tell Dean isn't happy, but Sam seems to be in a better mood. He's the one who speaks next.
"Hey, Macie. So, how'd you like to come with us? Just for a little while. You know, to get away from anyone that might want to hurt you."
I hesitate. "I'd rather go home now."
"We'll get you home," Sam assures me. "You just have to come with us for a little while, okay?"
I nod. "Okay." Anything to get home soon.

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