Chapter 8

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Later that day, Jesse and I are sitting together in the edge of my bed. If you're assuming we did "it," you needs get your mind out of the gutter, because we sit like this all the time. Just because I'm kind of a legal adult and we're together now doesn't mean we're going there yet. I'm still only eighteen days old.
"I wish we could do cute coupley stuff like normal couples," Jesse says. "Instead of just sitting in this room doing nothing."
I nod in agreement. "Yeah." I have an awesome idea, and I decide to take advantage of it. "Actually..." I say with a smirk. I snap my fingers, and the room suddenly turns into a (very small) fancy restaurant. We're suddenly sitting at a table, with a plate of fudge on top because who doesn't like fudge? I look around, admiring my not so hard work. "You like it?"
Jesse nods, looking at the change in scenery in awe. "Wow. This is... Wow. We're missing something, though."
"What?" I ask, looking around. I don't think we're missing something. Unless he means the wait staff, but I can't really help that one.
"We're at a five star restaurant, and we're wearing street clothes," he reminds me, eyeing my leggings and cat t-shirt.
"Oh, right," I say with a laugh. "I've never been to a fancy restaurant before. What do we wear?"
He shrugs. "I haven't, either," he admits. "But according to tv shows, guys wear suits and girls wear fancy dresses and really uncomfortable heels."
I nod and snap my fingers, replacing Jesse's AC/DC shirt and jeans with a suit. I look down at my own boring clothes, unsure what to change myself into. I don't know what dresses look like. I don't wear dresses. Like, ever. I wear leggings and t-shirts all the time.
"How 'bout you?" Jesse asks me.
I shrug. "I don't know what fancy dresses look like," I reply.
"Just make the first one that comes to mind," he suggests.
"Alright. I don't know how this is going to turn out, though, so, like, don't look."
He obliges, and I try my luck making a dress. I don't think about what it's going to look like until after I'm wearing it. I look down at myself, but I can't really see it from above. I turn back to Jesse and tell him he can look, then wait nervously for his reaction.
His eyes widen when he sees me, a smile appearing on his face. "Oh my gosh..." he mutters.
"What?" I ask nervously. Does he like it? Or does he think it looks ridiculous? I can't tell.
"You look amazing," he tells me. "Just... Wow. Where did this dress come from? It's gorgeous, especially on you."
I feel myself blushing. "Thanks. I don't know where I came up with this. I just sort of made something and went with it."
"Have you seen it?"
I shake my head. "Not really."
"Make yourself a mirror and look," he commands me. "You look too amazing not to see."
My blush deepens when he says that, and I do what he told me to. I look at myself in surprise. This dress is amazing! It's long, mostly dark purple with a line cute of sparkles around the waist. It's a halter top, which I've never worn before, but it doesn't look too bad on me, if I do say so myself.
It's not how I look that makes me gasp at the sight, though. It's the dress itself. I've seen this before. But where? I've never gone anywhere fancy enough to wear something like this in my life. Or have I?
It all comes back to me in a flash. Everything I've forgotten, everything before I came here. The dress my real dad made me, all those days ago. My family and friends, who are probably worried sick about me. I told them I'd come back, but that was days ago. I told them I'd come back before I stepped through a portal and came here. What was that portal? Is this another dimension? Well, that screws things up a bit. I have to get back to them. But how?
"What's wrong?" Jesse asks.
"I remember," I murmur.
"Remember what?"
"Everything. I know why Lucifer doesn't know me."
"Because I'm not his daughter," I tell him.
"But your eyes-"
"I know," I interrupt. "Because I am Lucifer's daughter. But not this one. This isn't my world."
"What are you talking about?" Jesse asks, clearly concerned.
"I told them I'd come home. They must be worried sick about me. I have to get home. But how do I-"
"Macie, what's going on?" Jesse asks urgently.
I explain everything to him. I tell him everything that happened in the first eight days of my life, leading up to my imprisonment. I finish by saying, "And now, I have to get home."
"What? No, you can't," Jesse replies. "You're supposed to be here. You can't leave."
I feel the anger inside of me when he says that, and I lash out. "I can't believe this!" I roar. "I finally figure out everything, and you're going to tell me to stay here and do nothing so Lucifer doesn't get mad at you?"
"It's not Lucifer that I'm worried about!" Jesse replies, just as loud and emotional. "I don't give a damn what Lucifer does to me! If you leave and he doesn't kill me, I'll do it myself!"
Everything seems to freeze when he says that. It's so quiet, you could hear a pin drop in China. Jesse bites his lip, clearly wishing he didn't say that. I find myself staring at him in shock.
"What?" I say finally, my voice much quieter.
"You heard me. I don't want to do this without you. I don't care that we basically just met. I love you, Macie, and if you leave, I will kill myself so I don't have to live without you. It's not a threat to keep you here, it's a promise."
I don't know what to say, so I don't say anything. I mean, what can you say when someone tells you he'd kill himself for you? I can't leave him here to die. I can't not go back home, though. What do I do? Unless...
"What if I take you with me?" I ask him. "If I can figure out how to get home, would you come home with me?"
He nods. "I would. If you want me to."
"Of course I want you to!" I tell him. "You're the one thing from this world that I love. I don't want to leave you behind. The only problem is that I don't know how to get home. I don't think how I made a portal, or how I got it to go here."
"It can't be that hard," he replies. "I mean, it sounds to me like you were looking for an escape, and you made one. It's probably no harder than making a door."
Oh, wow. I never thought of that. That's actually way too easy. I try what he said, and sure enough, a portal appears. Whether it will take me home, I don't know, but it will take me somewhere, I'm sure.
Suddenly, the door to the room opens, and Lucifer's standing there. His eyes glow red as they land on the portal, and he looks between the two of us. "What the hell is going on? I heard screaming, and now there's a freaking portal in Hell!"
"We're leaving," I tell him. "Audios, muchacho. Peace out."
"Where do you think you're going?" he demands.
I shrug. "Not sure. I think I'm going home, but I could end up in a world made of spaghetti, for all I know."
"You're going home through a portal?"
I nod. I explain the whole "inter dimensional accidental travel" incident to him briefly. "So it's been nice seeing you, only not, but I'm going home now."
I freeze, not bothering to hide my confusion. "What?"
"Go ahead," he replies. "I really only wanted to get you away from the hunters. You want to go to another dimension, go ahead."
I laugh. "That was way easier than I thought it was going to be. Alright, well, thanks for nothing. Come on."
I take Jesse's hand, and together, we step through the portal, and leave this world behind.

A/N THE END! Will she make it home, or will they end up in another dimension? Find out in Supernatural in Real Life 4! I just totally gave it away, didn't I? Oops! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this little piece of unplotted randomness I'm calling a story. Feel free to check out my profile and read my other stories that are way better than this! (Well, most of them are.)

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