Chapter 6

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Lucifer and I appear in a cold building, surrounded by creatures I recognize immediately as demons. Lucifer looks around before walking up to one, who's wearing a young man that's probably about eighteen. I listen to his conversation, taking advantage of my super hearing.
"You," Lucifer says, clearly not knowing the demon's name. "Take that girl to an empty room. She is not to leave under any circumstances. Got it?"
The demon nods and walks over to me. He roughly pushes me away and down a long corridor, finally stopping in front of a large door. He pushes the door open and shoves me inside, stepping inside with me before closing the door.
Now that we're alone, his face softens, and he doesn't seem as mean as I had expected. He looks down at me curiously. "What's up with you?" he asks me. "Lucifer doesn't usually take prisoners like this."
"Prisoners?" I repeat. "I'm not a prisoner."
"Mm, yeah you are," he tells me. "He specifically told me to make sure you didn't leave. That's what people do to prisoners, not guests."
I frown. "But he said..." I trail off. Is he right? I mean, Lucifer didn't want me until he realized I was with Sam, Dean, Castiel, and Crowley. Maybe he just wanted to get me away from them. "Well, that's stupid."
"Sorry, kid," he says, seeming genuinely sorry for me. "If it makes you feel any better, I'm stuck here, too. My name's Jesse."
"I'm Macie," I reply. "Can I leave?"
He shakes his head. "Nope, sorry. Boss's orders."
My frown deepens. I create a bed and fall back on it, defeated. "I don't like this."
Jesse chuckles. "Yeah, I know the feeling. Hey, could you whip me up a deck of cards?"
I nod, creating a deck of cards for him and handing them to him. He sits down on the floor and deals them out to play solitaire. I watch him for a few games until he finally looks up to see my stare.
"You want to play something?"
I shrug. "Depends. What?"
"Cribbage?" he suggests.
"What's that?"
After a very long and complicated explanation and a few trial runs, I finally figure out how the game goes. He couldn't describe the board to me well enough, so we just count our points to 181 instead of using pegs, but it works. We're both equally as good, which is surprising because I just learned the game. I seem to pick things up quickly, according to him.
"I'm getting sick of this game," I announce.
"Wanna play checkers?" Jesse suggests.
This is how the next few hours go. We play a bunch of games; chess, Go Fish, Gin Rummy, Slap Jack, Uno, and another few variations of Solitaire.
"How are you so good at this?" Jesse asks finally. "Every single game, you've been amazing at. This isn't fair!"
I giggle. "Magic!" I joke.
"Then you've got some killer magic," he laughs.
"I wanna play soccer!" I announce.
Jesse hesitates, looking around the room. "Maybe we should skip the sports in here."
"Why?" I whine.
"Because Lucifer would kill me if I let you destroy the building."
I frown and fall back down onto my bed. Lucifer's ruining everything. I should have just stayed with Sam, Dean, and Castiel. Although this Jesse guy is pretty nice, demon or not.
"You know what we can do?" Jesse asks. "We can play Othello!"

This is all we do. It's been a week since I was brought to this crappy place, and Jesse and I have been playing games nonstop. I don't know how I found this fun a week ago. Games are boring! I swear, if I play one more round of solitaire, my brain is going to explode.
Jesse seems to sense something is wrong, because he looks at me next to him on my bed and asks, "What's wrong?"
"This is just so boring!" I complain.
"I don't think it's boring," Jesse replies. "I like playing games with you." I can see it on his face that even he's been getting bored, though. I wonder if he's been bored this whole time, and I just never noticed.
"Why are you doing this?" I ask him.
"Doing what?" he replies, confused.
"This. Playing these stupid games with me. I know you hate it, too. Why are you still doing it?"
He shrugs. "I don't really have a choice," he replies. "I'm stuck here, just like you. It's either this, or stand outside the door for all of eternity." I sincerely hope that time estimate was a joke. "Besides, I like watching you grow up."
"What's fun about watching someone grow up?" I ask, rolling my eyes at what a cliché he is.
"I've never gotten to do it before," he tells me. "My vessel can't grow up. None of the demons do. And my job isn't exactly people friendly, you know?"
"Oh," is my only response. I hadn't thought of that. I thought he was just being a sappy grown up.
"So, if you don't want to play anymore games, what do you want to do?" Jesse asks.
I shrug. "I don't know." I start combing through my hair absentmindedly, then begin French braiding it. It's going to be a long braid, seeing as my hair now reaches well past my waist, but I don't care. It's something to do for now. "How long do you think we're going to be stuck here?"
Jesse shrugs. "Forever, maybe? I guess it depends why he has you on lockdown."
"I wish I knew," I mutter.
"You don't know?" Jesse repeats in disbelief. "He just stuck you here and left you, and you don't know why?"
I nod. "Basically."
"Well, that's depressing," he replies. "What's your story, anyway? How'd you end up here?"
I explain everything to him, seeing no reason to hold it back. I explain that day, eight days ago, when I appeared in the streets all alone with almost no memory of who I am. I tell him about finding Sam, Dean, and Castiel. I talk about the concert where I met Lucifer, and then I was here.
"I think I know why you're here," Jesse tells me when I finish my story.
"Why?" I ask.
"I think Lucifer's trying to figure out what you are. There's no way you're his daughter. He hasn't been with anyone recently. Well, no one he left alive. My guess is that he'll come back either when he figures it out, or when he gives up. He probably only brought you to keep you away from the Winchesters and their pet angel, anyway."
"When do you think that will happen?" I ask.
Jesse shrugs. "Who knows? I'm surprised he hasn't checked in by now, honestly."
I don't know if I should be glad I haven't seen him, or upset that I'm stuck here and ignored by my captor. Mostly, though, I'm upset with myself. I was such an idiot! Why did I decide to go with him? It was obvious he didn't want me! I should have stayed with Sam! At least he liked me! Forget this "family" crap. I just want to be free.
"What the..." Jesse mutters, his eyes wide as he stares at me in shock.
"What?" I snap, ruder than necessary due to my bad mood.
"You really are Lucifer's daughter," he says in awe.
I nod. "Yeah. That's what I've been saying. I thought you didn't believe me."
"I didn't," he admits. "But your eyes..."
"What about my eyes?" I ask, quickly whipping up a mirror to look at my reflection. Damn, my face has changed a lot. I guess a week can really change a supernatural being. My eyes are still the same blue shade they've always been, though. There's nothing strange about them.
"Not now, but they were glowing red," he tells me. "That happens to Lucifer whenever he's angry or trying to intimidate someone. And, seeing as you're likely not trying to intimidate me, that makes me wonder why you're upset."
I roll my eyes. "Why wouldn't I be upset?" I ask. "I'm stuck here because I was an idiot and chose my 'father' over the people I already knew would keep me safe. Not exactly an A-plus moment on my part."
"You're a lot sassier now than you were when you first got here," Jesse observes. "I don't know if it's an age thing or because you're just really pissed off, but it's sort of scaring me right now."
I sigh. "Sorry," I mutter. God, now I'm scaring demons with my attitude? I hate this. I hate this so freaking much. I just wish I could go home. I want my family back. That's all I want. I miss my parents. I miss my mom, and the father that loves me. I know I had this. Where did it go? How do I get them back?
I don't realize I'm crying until Jesse wipes a tear off my face. Just looking at him, I can clearly see his sorrow. Why? Why's he sad? I'm the one who messed up big time, not him. I'm the one that lost everything. What does he have to be sad for, besides being stuck with a loser like me?
"Don't cry," he says softly.
When I don't stop, he pulls me in to a hug. I bury my face in his neck, glad he's here. I haven't felt like this with anyone since over a week ago, back when I didn't realize how good I had it. I had a loving family with me, and now all I've got is a demon on guard duty and teenage hormones at fifteen days old. This is a recipe for disaster, I'm sure.
"What's wrong?" Jesse asks quietly.
I don't answer. I don't know how to. I don't have a single reason to be crying. It's more the collective idea that my life sucks that's bringing me down, and the only thing holding me together is this boy in front of me.
"Jesse?" I say finally, looking up at him without pulling away.
"Thank you," I murmur. "For everything. I don't know how I would have survived this week without you."
"Of course," Jesse replies. "Anything for you."
There's a pause in the conversation, but it's not an awkward one. I don't think either of us mind it, really. It's nice, just being here with the only friend I have.
"There's something I've been wanting to do all day," he tells me finally.
He presses his lips to mine, and I can feel him prepare for rejection. To both our surprises, I find myself kissing back. I've never kissed anyone before. I've never even thought about it, really. So why is this so simple, so natural?
We kiss for a long time, slowly and sweetly. Neither of us try to do anything more. We're happy now, just having this sweet moment between the two of us. It's perfect. Unfortunately, nothing stays perfect for long.

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