Chapter 7

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A/N This is so fast paced, it's horrible. I'm sorry! I had no plot in mind when I started this I'm just kind of writing and hoping stuff happens. Per usual.
When the door to my room opens, Jesse and I pull apart immediately, but not before the man in the doorway sees what we were doing. Lucifer's eyes glow red as he looks at us, and I feel Jesse's muscles tense in fear as we wait for his reaction.
"What the hell is this?" Lucifer demands angrily.
"It's called house arrest, dumbass," I reply. Jesse elbows me, a clear sign that he wants me to stop sassing Lucifer, but I ignore it.
Lucifer glares at me but doesn't respond. Instead, he looks at Jesse as he says, "This isn't what I asked you to do."
"Actually, you told him to make sure I didn't leave," I remind him. "Guess what? I'm not leaving. I'd say he's doing a pretty good job."
"Macie, stop," Jesse says in a low voice.
"Nah, I'll pass," I reply.
"He's right," Lucifer tells me. "You will stop."
I roll my eyes. "Like that's gonna happen."
"It will when you have no one to entertain with your sarcastic remarks," he replies. He walks over to us and takes Jesse by the arm, pulling him away from me, hard.
"Wait!" I call, but Lucifer ignores me.
Jesse mouths "sorry" before he disappears from sight as Lucifer slams the door shut. I fall face down into my bed, burying my face in my pillow. I feel the tears threatening to fall, and I let them. Jesse was the one good thing I had in this horrible world, and now he's gone.
I hear Lucifer tell someone to stand outside my door, but I don't care. If it's not Jesse, I'm not interested. I should have listened to him and stopped talking back. Maybe he would have stayed. Maybe I'd still be with him right now if I had just learned to control my sarcasm. There are so many things I could have done different, but it doesn't matter. What matters is that he's gone, and he isn't coming back.

It's been three days since Lucifer took Jesse from me, and literally nothing has happened. No one has come to check on me at all.  I haven't done anything, because everything I could do I've already done with Jesse, and it just serves as a reminder of what I've lost.
Every time thoughts of that boy enter my head, I begin crying all over again. I didn't realize just how good I had it with him. I had no idea that it could have been worse. I was lucky to have such a nice demon here with me. I didn't realize that I could have been alone like I am now. It would have been better that way, though. At least then I'd be alone but without a broken heart.
Voices at the door break my train of thought. I recognize the first one as Lucifer, and the second one is likely the guard outside my own little prison.
"How is she?" Lucifer asks.
"I don't know," the guard demon replies. "I've heard her crying a lot, so I know she's still in there, but that's all."
"Alright, I'm going to check on her. Make sure she's still alive."
I hear the door open, but I ignore it. It closes loudly, and I know that someone has entered the room. I don't look up. Instead, I ignore them and hope that they'll go away.
"Hey-" Lucifer says, but I cut him off.
"Go away," I mutter, but it's muffled by the pillow.
"Go away!" I repeat louder.
"I can't hear you if you're talking into a pillow," he tells me.
I turn my face to look at him and say in a clearer voice, "Go away."
He cocks his head in confusion as he looks down at me. "Why are you crying?"
I turn my face away and bury it in my pillow once again, not wanting to have to answer the question. I just want him to go away. This guy is ruining my life. Why can't he just leave me alone?
"What's wrong?" Lucifer asks, more curious than anything.
I just make a noise of protest in acknowledgment of his existence, otherwise ignoring him completely.
"Seriously, why are you crying?" he asks.
I turn my head to face him again as I say, "Because I hate you."
"I know you don't want to be here, but it's only been ten days."
"And I'm only eighteen days old, so that's over half my life!" I tell him. "At least I had Jesse for most of it," I add under my breath.
"Jesse?" Lucifer repeats.
"The demon that stayed here for the first week," I clarify. I can't believe Lucifer doesn't even know his name.
"That's what this is about?" he says in disbelief. "You're upset I took a demon from you?"
"He's not just a demon, he was my friend," I tell him angrily. Were we friends? Or something more?
Lucifer pauses, then walks out of the room without a word. I sigh and bury my face in my pillow again. At least Lucifer's gone, so I don't have to deal with him anymore. I can go back to moping around in peace.
After a few minute, I hear the door open again. I don't bother looking at who is is. I don't care.
At the sound of his voice, I look up. Is that...
"Jesse!" I run up to him and throw my arms around him, too excited that he's back to care that Lucifer is next to him. Jesse just laughs and hugs me back. When we pull away, I ask, "What are you doing here?"
"That is an excellent question," he replies.
"Are you staying?" I ask hopefully.
"I don't know," he says. He looks at Lucifer, so I do the same.
"Yes, he is," Lucifer tells us.
"Oh my god thank you thank you thank you!" I squeal, hugging him out of excitement. Lucifer just stands there awkwardly, unsure what to do in response. I step away from him and ask, "Why are you doing this?"
"I don't know, I guess I just felt bad that you were stuck here all alone," he replies.
"You don't strike me as the compassionate type," I observe.
He shrugs. "Well, don't let word get around," he jokes.
"That would be difficult, seeing as I can't get around," I remind him.
"That one I can't change," he tells me.
"Why not?" I whine, because screw sounding like an adult. I'm still a kid at heart.
"Because I can't have you wandering the halls of Hell."
"Will I ever get to leave?" I ask hopefully.
"Eventually, perhaps," he replies. "But I'm still trying to figure out what you are, and it would be nice to be able to do that without having to worry about you screwing things up."
"I'm offended you think so lowly of me," I reply, only partially joking. "Jesse thinks I'm your daughter, though."
"Does he now?" Lucifer replies in a tone that implies that Jesse shouldn't disagree with him. He turns to the boy next to me, waiting for him to speak.
"You're probably right about this," Jesse tells him, probably just because he's afraid of what Lucifer would do if he outright said the man was wrong. "But her eyes were glowing red when she was upset, like yours do."
Lucifer looks at me curiously. "Well, that's an interesting twist."
"I don't really care anymore," I announce. "I'm over this whole 'father' thing. Can you just, like, leave?"
Lucifer frowns, which surprises me. I wouldn't have thought he'd care that I told him to get lost. He nods once and exits the room, leaving Jesse and me alone in the room. We wait for the door to shut before speaking.
"I can't believe he let you come back!" I say excitedly.
"I can't believe you convinced him to let me come back," he replies.
"I don't think it was me," I reply. "The guy hates me. There's got to be some other reason he did."
"I doubt it," Jesse replies. "I think he does like you, at least a little. He's gaining absolutely nothing from sending me back here. I think he just did it because he saw you crying."
I feel my face heat up and I look to the floor in embarrassment. I hadn't wanted anyone to know I was crying, especially over a guy. Lucifer knowing I could deal with, but it's a lot more awkward when the guy himself knows.
"Was I not supposed to say that?" Jesse asks, noticing my red face.
"No, it's fine," I assure him.
"Really? Because you're turning into a tomato with awesome hair," he jokes.
I laugh. "As long as my eyes stay blue, you're in the clear," I inform him. "Wait, my eyes are still blue, right?"
He nods. "Yep." He pauses. "Alright, I might be starting an awkward conversation right now, but I have to ask. Last time I saw you, we kissed and then I had to leave, and it's been killing me, not being able to ask. What was that?"
Um... Oh god, what am I supposed to say to that? Um... Um... Um... That's all that's going through my mind is "Um" because I honestly don't know what is was.
"You're being quiet. This isn't a good sign," he observes.
"It's nothing bad," I assure him. "I just... Don't know what to say right now."
"Then let me ask it this way," he replies. "Is there something between us?"
I hesitate, unsure how to respond to this. Finally, I say, "I don't know. I've never done this romance thing before. I don't know what it is." I attempt to make the last part into a joke, but it comes out weak, not humorous like I had hoped.
"Do you want there to be something between us?" Jesse asks. "Because if not, I'll back off, but I need to know."
I'm silent for a moment. Is this what I want? Do I want to become romantically involved, with a demon no less? It's hard to think of Jesse as a demon, though. He's just too sweet and kind and beautiful and lovable and wow, I did not realize that's where I was going with that. I guess that leaves one answer.
"I do," I tell him finally.
Jesse smiles, the biggest smile I think I've ever seen. Just seeing him smile makes me smile, too. I give him a hug, and he returns the embrace with a slight laugh.
"Every time I see you, you get taller and taller," he observes. "And more beautiful, something I didn't think was possible."
I laugh softly. "You're such a flirt."
"I am," he agrees. "But you love it."
"Yeah, I do," I reply with a grin. "But you know what I love more?"
I press my lips to his, and he kisses me back immediately. I can feel his smile against my lips. Jesse is the only guy I've kissed so maybe I'm biased, but he's a pretty good kisser. Either way, I enjoy every second of our uninterrupted time together.

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