Chapter 3

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After about a minute of waiting I became worried that he wasn't home or was eating or sleeping. Those worries vanished when a man with long black greasy hair and a hooked nose opened the door with a sneer.

You could immediately tell he wasn't a joking around kind of person. His face was etched with frown lines and creases lined his forehead. He was wearing some sort of cape but I didn't say anything about it. Actually I didn't say anything.

He broke the silence saying, "I don't want any Girl Scout cookies."

This man scared me so much that when I answered I was stuttering, "Ar-ar- are you the owner of 15 sp-Spinner's End?"

"Well I should think so considering I have been living here my entire life," his voice was quiet but annoyed, "Well why are you here? Stop wasting my time?"

I stood there as still as a statue regretting my decision to come here. I thought about running off and living in the forest but I needed answers first.

Before I could say anything else he said, "What is your name? I will have the Mug- Police take you away for being on my property without permission."

This time I answered, "I have permission," I looked down unable to hold his eye contact, "I think so at least," I looked back up, "My name is Jessica Wallwirt."

At first he looked confused then sighed and said, "Very well come in then Jessica, your mother," he spat out that word, "Told me to be expecting you."

He continued on after taking a short breath, "When you didn't come yesterday like she said you would I figured she had changed her mind. I would have picked you up had I known you were coming by foot, from wherever that is."

He stopped again and frowned, "Speaking of that, where were you last night Jessica? You seem tired."

"Nowhere much I was just in the woods," I said blushing slightly wondering how ragged I looked.

"And why were you there?" he asked.

"Well I got kicked out my house yesterday and I didn't read the note she gave me until today so I slept in the woods last night," I blurted out quickly and quietly.

"Very well then," the man said frowning.

I stepped into his house finally. I didn't want this to be my father because he seemed mean but I couldn't deny that our resemblances were uncanny. I noticed he had the same black obsidian eyes I had. My nose hooked up slightly like his did. My hair was a bit lighter than his but it looked more like my "Mother's"

Our clothes were very unlike each other. My clothes were old and ripped all over the place. While his were a bit weird they were obviously made of good material and new. Even though I looked like him I had never met him before and there was still some uneasiness about him in the pit of my stomach as I went into the house.

Once inside the house he motioned for me to follow him into the dining room. I followed him willingly looking around me as I walked. The rooms that I saw were decorated very little and it was hard to believe that anyone lived here.

He pulled out two chairs and motioned for me to sit down in one of them. The chair was beautifully hand carved with lion feet and green plush. I felt awkward sitting in it so I sat straight up with my hands folded in my lap. He sat down across the table from me and looked much more comfortable in the chair then I was.

"Would you care for any tea?" he asked.

I wasn't sure why of all questions he could have asked, that was the one he chose. Still tea sounded like a good idea to me. I nodded to show that I would like some. He nodded back and stood up to boil water.

A few minutes later the tea kettle whistled and he got up to pour two mugs of steaming water.

"Do you want spice, orange or lemon tea Jessica?" he asked.

I replied quietly, "I'll have the spice kind please sir."

He went back into the kitchen and returned with two tea bags. I tore mine open and dipped it in my mug then dunked it up and down to flavor the water. I took a deep sip that burned my throat but at the same time felt good.

For several minutes we sat there in silence drinking our tea. I was about halfway done mine when he set his cup down and waited patiently for me to finish mine. I took as long as I dared to finish mine trying to avoid talking to him. When I couldn't draw it out anymore I finished off my tea and set my mug on the table next to his.

We sat in an uncomfortable silence for a minute or so until he said, "Well since I already know a bit about you I suppose you should know a bit about me. Well for starters my name is Severus. We will get to know each other more tomorrow does that sound all right to you?"

I nodded my head like I was taught to by my mother. My action looked like it made him uncomfortable.

"Could you answer me when I say something?" he asked.

I thought about it for a minute. If he was really my father then maybe he knew about the "games" my "Mother" used to play with me. She would convince me that I was allowed to speak then when I did she would punish me. I decided to just not answer him for now. That was a mistake. When he realized I didn't plan on answering him his face got red and he clenched his fists angrily.

He tried to calm himself down with deep breaths but his face was still red when he said, "Speak when I ask you to."

I still thought this was a "game" like those my "Mother" liked. I still didn't answer him and didn't give any indication that I had heard him at all.

He got even more angry but then when he spoke again his voice was softer, "Please just talk."

I had already made up my mind though. If this was anything like what my "Mother" liked to do I wasn't going to give him the pleasure of talking. I shook my head from side to side to show that I didn't plan on talking.

I knew he was going to hurt me for defying him but I also knew that if I spoke it would be a bigger beating. He looked confused like he wasn't used to people not doing what he said then leaned across the table and got in my face.

"Excuse me?" he asked menacingly.

I could tell he was getting madder and madder so I flinched back waiting for the hit to come. When I didn't feel anything I sat up straight and looked at him confused.

It looked like he was thinking. Then he pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath.

"Come and sit over here," he asked.

Not wanting to upset him more I sat in the chair he had pulled out next to him facing him. He took my hand into his and took another deep breath that he let out with a sigh.

"Jessica please just talk. I promise I won't hurt you at all if you do. I just want to know what's going on."

I looked up at him to see if he was being truthful or not. His eyes were begging me to talk and he seemed like he was being honest. Looking at the ground I nodded to show I would talk to him. I still was shielding my head by looking down in case he was just a really good liar.

"I'm sorry sir," I said quietly.

"Whatever for?" he questioned.

"I didn't mean to make you upset by not talking sir."

After a moment of hesitation he lifted my face up so that I had to look at him, "It's fine Jessica. I doubt you knew any better. If you don't mind my asking, why didn't you want to talk?'

I looked into the eyes that were so much like my own trying to find a false motive. Even though his exterior was hard and uncaring his dark eyes held so much emotion in them. I was now sure that he was truly curious about why I didn't want to talk. I decided that if I wanted answers I was going to have to be truthful with him even if it meant talking about my mother; something I only ever talked to Benny about.

He let go of my chin so I was free to look down again, quietly but clearly I asked, "It's a rather long story sir. Are you sure you want to hear it?"

He nodded his head and said, "Don't leave anything out okay?"

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