90 days to love - Chapter 1

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                                               The most important quality a human possesses,

                                 Is the ability to form a bond and love another person unconditionally,

                            Because it is something that no other species can even begin to contemplate.

                                                          That is what makes us human.


Chapter 1


The man wipes the sweat off his brow with a dirty and oily rag.  He stares at his creation with pride. His hands shake with exhaustion as he collapses into the rickety wicker chair. It is the only luxury of his unadorned workhouse.

"It is done" He whispers raggedly to himself. His breath mars the still and stagnant air with warmth.

After 14 long years of work, the clone is complete. It's resemblance to a regular youthful man  in the prime of health is uncanny. The cheap gasoline-fuelled light glows off the model's alabaster skin. He lies stripped, naked and vulnerable upon the man's table; in the depths of poverty, it was all he could afford. The eyes of the clone remain closed but the man has designed it to be handsome; he knows that pretty sells. The stark contrast between the snow white skin and the matching styled black hair and eyes will be something else. The golden initials 'C.K' decorate the left side of the clone's neck, branding it to be the man's own. The model is the perfect replice; it is perfect. Every human would desire one. The thought causes the man to smile blissfully to himself.

The only thing different about the man's creation is that it posesses no heart, no soul, no emotion. It is neither good or bad; it is neutral. It is stronger than man, faster too.

The man heaves another sigh of relief, a sigh of exhaustion. His limbs are as heavy as stone as he runs a hand through his grease-filled hair and then across the taut skin of his cheek. His body is simply covered in filth. He has not slept, eaten or rested for days. It is not healthy for a man of his age and conditions. He is too weak, too ill. But the man does not feel it. He promised himself he would complete the model before he himself completed.

Slouching back into the chair, the old man's attention is caught by the brief flicker of movement from the model's forefinger. His bones creak as he pushes himself forward to lean on his knees. 

Slowly but surely, the model seems to come to life. The man gasps with delight. He knew he could do it despite the years of insults and doubts.

Seconds pass and then minutes. The man awaits with bated breath, silently praying this will work. Without it, he is dead. All of his savings and ready cash have been invested in...this. Everything is silent as the man sits and waits. 

Yet nothing happens.

Half an hour later, the man is still crouched in the same position. The little hope he has left is swiftly deteriorating. He exhales slowly, taking in the situation. He is too frail to even move, he cannot afford any more food. He has lost everything to this. 

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