90 days to love - Chapter 6

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I sit cross-legged on my chair, grinding an apple down to its stalk. Along with a cup of coffee it's all I've been given for breakfast, no matter how many times I rammed my finger down on the control pad. I guess that's what you get for defying the Leto.

After Ally or 'Dimidium 1' brought me back to my room 3 nights ago, she also had to change my clothes. I blush at the thought - my judgement must have been impaired.

A sharp banging on my door shakes my out of my thoughts.

"Lara, it's me" Jared yells from the other side. I don't bother to get up.

"Go away" I call back, cupping the mug of steaming coffee between my palms.

"Lara this is important, we need to talk"

"I'm getting changed" I yell as I walk to the couch and flop onto it. The warmth of the coffee cup leaches into my own cold fingers.

"Really?" Jared enquires with a smug edge to his voice.


"What are you changing into?" He asks.

"A dress." I reply taking a sip of the coffee. The activating black liquid slides down my throat and sends shivers all the way down to my white fur boots. I smile to myself; he will never know.

"How is the coffee?" He asks.

"Excuse me?" My brow furrows as my eyes subconciously wander around the room. My arms wrap around my waist. Can he see me?

"I was just asking how your coffee tastes."

"Its fine thank you." I reply, still slightly perplexed.

"Are you actually going to change or are you going to stay in your pajamas all day?" He challenges confidently. My eyes widen as I put my coffee down on the glass table.

"What are you talking about Jared?" I roll my eyes.

"Lara, you're still in your pyjamas, sitting on the couch and you've just put your coffee down." He calls sagaciously. I scowl at the thought of his irritating smirk. "Don't scowl."

"Are you spying on me?" I yell, my mouth dropping open - whether in disgust or horror I'm not entirely sure.

"Peep hole." He laughs.

I glower in the direction of the door, hoping he can see me. When I hear his chuckle, I swiftly march over to the entry. Pressing my eye against the hole, I scream as I see Jared's brown eye staring right back at me. He lets out a simultaneous yelp at my sudden appearance.

"Well can I come in now?" He asks. I deliberate for a second, remembering his words from last night.

"No." I reply haughtily. "I am a 'Leto lover' after all."

I walk away from entryway and slam the bathroom door shut as he begins to crumble. I use the controls to set up the personalised shower. It takes my body height and shape into account, so the water runs just long enough cleanse my body and uses no more than I need. It's set at my preferred temperature of 46 degrees Celsius and best of all the LED light, ensures my wash is colourful at all times. Despite my objections to the new technology we invented, I can't deny the intelligence of the scientists as the inbuilt sound system begins to play. Like everything else it's customised to my choice.

I set some old classics to project through the speaker. I've always preferred the old songs because they actually sing about love. None of this techno crap. I had a CD that was around 500 years old. It was produced sometime in the 21st century. These are the songs that told me about the love people used to have for each other.

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