90 days to love - Chapter 16

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They say that time heals all wounds.

I for one can tell you that though the pain becomes less intense, it doesn’t leave completely. That being said it’s only been about 2 or 3 weeks. I don’t have my calendar anymore.

However, Savannah Caritas also quoted ‘the pain of losing one’s cannot be healed with any time; only with the presence of the other half’

Smart woman.

I’m as happy as I can be. I have my mother, I have my kind but the time is still ticking away. The deadline of the Leto’s condition is almost up and I can’t do it anything about it except sit and wait with the remaining 439 Caritas.

The Caritas Monile Jared gave me is still hanging on my neck by its clasp. I’m scared to take it off. I don’t want to accept the fact I’ve rejected him. It’s my last piece of him.

I was accepted into the pure community upon arrival. Not by every Caritas but that is to be expected; it is the price for bonding with a Torpen whether accidental or not. 

There are no Leto upon this vessel; they control the Externium ships from the palace. That white prison is light years away and the only access to it is through the tubes. Authorised personnel only. Anything dressed in the silvery colour that represents the Leto is killed upon this ship. There is a limit on love for everything.

‘Lara are you alright?’ A deep voice calls. It’s Iron.

‘Yeah I’m fine’ I reply with a smile.

He nods and returns to doodling on a hologram pad. We’re sitting on either ends of the plum sofa in my mother’s room. While I think his hand flies rapidly about the pad. The medium he uses is in fact a touchscreen hologram specifically for drawing. I stare at his face, the embedded lines upon his forehead crease in concentration. I smile as I gaze at his clenched jaw and free wrist.

Iron Knoxx; the gentle killer. Behind the amiable countenance are the cold issues that drive him forward. His hands are as lethal as my words.

I rub my neck where the red chaffing streaks across my skin; I learnt my lesson never to get on his bad side. I should have been more careful with my attire when I arrived. The detestation towards the Leto runs deep.

From what he’s told me, they’ve already cleansed his mother. We don't share much information but the evidence of his resentment burns through his hazel eyes. Despite his bitterness, we manage to comply with each other's moods. We're similar and both unwilling to speak about our personal problems; he only knows the outskirts of the details.


Iron is a good-looking man, probably more so than Jared. At 25 earth years, he’s in his peak condition. He causes many of the un-bonded Caritas' upon this vessel to lose their breath. Despite his godly looks, I’m still able to identify his faults. His hazel eyes are the wrong shade of brown. His alpine height is too advantageous combined with the toned body; his intimidating physique is every bit as powerful as wrestler's. Every time I gaze at his gargantuan hands, I am reminded of the tightening constriction around my throat.

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