Editor's Note

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Wow everyone! Welcome to 2017! (I just wrote 2016 and had to change it, proves time flies!)

I hope you enjoyed your Christmas and are happy for the New Year. I really enjoyed 2016, although I had quite a few ups and downs (Getting meningitis, fracturing my arm, and my dog and horse getting sick.) I am still very thankful for everything that happened. I traveled Australia,, mad very close friends and joined Wattpad!

So 2016 was a rollercoaster, and 2017 will be a maze full of opportunities. So go get them, branch out, and do things you wouldn't do before. 2017 is a new year, a new day. Make it special.

My question for you is, What do you wish you could change in 2016, and how would you? *cough* Donald Trump *cough* (No hate please, I have my own express opinion.) Some things I wish never happened were some of the passings that happened, like David Bowie, George Michael. And I just wish everyone reading was safe and sound during 2016.

My other question is, What are you excited for in 2017! What new adventures are you hoping to come across?

I wish you all the best, and have a great January!

Owner, Founder, and Editor.

The Monthly Watt - January IssueWhere stories live. Discover now