Fairies in Catholicism and Paganism

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Written by: kathiel12

December 22, 2016

Well, for this issue we wanted to learn more about the fairy world.  We usually see them in films or read books about them and they are usually depicted with wings, fairy dust and  magic.  So, who are these wonderful creatures and where did they come from?

According to Wikipedia, the word "fairy" derives from the Latin fata, and is from the form faerie, describing "enchantment". Other forms are the fata, and the Provençal "fada". In old French romance, "fee" was a woman skilled in magic, and who knew the power and virtue of words, of stones, and of herbs.  

  Fairies have their historical origin in the conflation of Celtic (Breton, Welsh) traditions. Fairie was in origin used adjectivally, meaning "enchanted" (as in fairie knight, ), but was used later as  as a name for "enchanted" creatures. In English literature of the Elizabethan era, elves and fairies were often the classified as the same thing, specially with the fairies of Romance culture.

The origins of the fairies are less clear and come from literature, folklore and heavy speculation.  Some thought that they were dead and others thought that they were a species completely independent of humans . The folkloristic or mythological elements combine. 

According to the King James Daemonologie dissertation , the term "faries" was used to describe illusory spirits (demonic entities) that prophesy, consort, and transport individuals they served

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According to the King James Daemonologie dissertation , the term "faries" was used to describe illusory spirits (demonic entities) that prophesy, consort, and transport individuals they served. In  it was believed that a witch or sorcerer who had a pact with them could receive these types of revelations or use them to perform various tasks.

 One other Christian belief suggested that they were "demoted" angels.  Others believed that fairies were demoted angels.  There's an old story that says that God closed the gates of heaven and that those angels who were in hell (the ones who followed Lucifer) became demons, but that those caught in between worlds became fairies.  Fairies were not good for heaven, but not so terrible to live in hell.

However, Paganism has other views on fairies

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However, Paganism has other views on fairies.  So what are their views on fairies?  Let's find out.  First off we can see that pagans do not view them as demons or as living in between worlds because they do not follow Christianism.  Pagans were the people who practiced witchcraft.  However, now they are known as the Pagan Metaphysical Practicioners and their most famous denomination is the Wicca.

For Pagans, Fairies are supernatural beings who can be contacted with and can do magickal workings.   'A Witch's Guide to Faerie Folk', Eden McCoy provides a great quick guide for faerie forms and what they do.  Based on her book, this is what they do:

Pagans also work with fairies such as the Faeries of the Wood, or Water, Air or Fire or with fairy folks

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Pagans also work with fairies such as the Faeries of the Wood, or Water, Air or Fire or with fairy folks.  They believe that calling on the fairies is not different as calling upon guides or Divine forces of the pagans who practice this art.  They usually call them for help or magikal assistance.

So you may be wondering how do Pagan practitioners call on these beings?

By sitting down in a quiet location and going within "the higher self".  They must take in several "cleansing breaths", set the shields of protections and state the intent.  Then, they set their shields of protection, state the intent and move into the "meditative state" where they can "guide their visions to create the energy they want to establish."  

This is the calling of the fairy: 

Faeries bright in faerie light, please help guide my sight, to find the answers inside tonight.
For divination (especially with tarot):

Faeries bright in faerie light, please help me pull the card that is right and find the answers I need tonight.

For ritual workFaeries bright in faerie light, please help me create energy tonight, guide my thoughts and guide my sight to manifest the spell that is right. After asking for them to "help" or "appear" they must thank the fairies and o an offering like a gift, plate of fruits or veggies.  Meat is not allowed and the only drink they can offer is wine, but based on their practice the alcohol shouldn't be processed.

  Meat is not allowed and the only drink they can offer is wine, but based on their practice the alcohol shouldn't be processed

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Did you like the article?  I hoped you enjoyed and learned something new about fairies.


Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairy,

 The Pagan's Path:  https://www.paganspath.com/meta/faeries.htm

(Note: The sources for the pics are not included. I simply searched  them on the google engine.)

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