Chapter 12

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I got a lot of looks as we passed people. Most started whispering excitedly with those near them as they noticed Will holding my hand. If I used my senses, I picked up surprise, happiness, and anticipation. A couple were envious, and I did sense one or two flickers of disapproval. Overall, most were positive emotions.

Will started walking with me up and down each street, pointing out each store as he explained what they generally sold or what they did. My eyes were drawn to the library. I didn't read very well or very fast, but I did like trying. I didn't get many chances living as a rogue. It always amazed me at how much information was out there, if one just picked up a book.

Will noticed the amount of attention I was giving to the library and he asked, "Do you want to go in?"

I replied, "If you don't mind, it has been years since I got the chance to go into a library."

Realization crossed his face as he remembered that I had lived as a rogue for who knows how long. He held the door open for me as I walked in. There was a young lady at the desk who smiled at me as she welcomed me. "Hello, I'm Cassie. Can I help you find something?"

I smiled at her. "I'm Jade, I just popped in to take a look around for the moment, but you will be seeing more of me later."

She tilted her head as she glanced between me and Will. Her expression brightened. "Oh!" she said. "You are the newest member in the pack! Welcome! You will enjoy it, and I speak from experience since I only came here a month ago. Everyone is so welcoming in this pack."

I smiled at her enthusiasm and welcoming manner. "Thank you, and I am glad to hear that."

She grinned at me. "I am sure that we will get to know one another later on since I spend most of my time here, but in the meantime, don't let me keep you here."

With a chuckle, Will said, "Oh, I don't mind. I would rather have my mate show interest in visiting a library as opposed to the bar."

With humor lacing my voice, I responded, "Not much fear of that, although if I catch you at the bar watching strippers, we will be having words."

He grinned at my teasing threat that hinted at my potential jealousy, and I could sense Cassie's amusement as a runt threatened an Enforcer. Will shook his head. "Such pursuits didn't interest me in the past, and at this point, I only have eyes for you."

Well, he apparently knew how to score brownie points. My heart was practically melting as I went to wrap one arm around him in a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and put a small kiss on my forehead. I had never been one for a public display of affection, so the changes I was noticing took me partially by surprise, while part of me was not at all bothered by it. I knew I could blame the mate bond for that one.

We parted with grins at each other. Cassie was smiling from behind the front desk. I blushed a bit as Will took my hand once more to lead me to the door and back out to the street. We passed dozens of shops, occasionally glancing inside the windows or open doors. When I stared at a small sign that advertised soft ice cream for one second too long, Will dragged me inside to buy me a small ice cream cone. He blocked me when I tried to pay for mine, much to the amusement of the old lady at the cash register.

We sat down on a bench outside to enjoy the creamy treat. I hummed in delight as I savored mine. Will was watching me with a soft smile. "I assume you are enjoying it?"

I grinned at him. "Immensely."

He spoke tentatively, "When is the last you had ice cream?"

I could feel his curiosity, as well as his caution in case his words touched a topic I didn't want to speak about. I thought for a few seconds before replying, "I think about six or seven years ago when I joined a pack for a short time."

He looked stunned. "Wow. If you don't mind me asking, why did you leave that pack?"

In a dry tone, I replied, "It was the Black River pack when old Doug passed away."

He winced; the battles and numerous skirmishes that had occurred between neighboring packs was well known. The Alpha, Doug, had passed away with no children and without naming an heir. It was the biggest example in recent history classes as to why Alphas had to have an heir lined up at all times.

Will said, "Sorry to hear that."

I shrugged. "It doesn't bother me. I left as soon as the funeral was over. I knew what was going to happen, and I also knew that none of the neighboring packs would allow me to join them. I headed north and west days before the first fight broke out."

Will was watching me with intent curiosity. "I don't want to intrude, but could you tell me about your life? If feels like I found a handful of puzzle pieces, and I really want to see the whole picture. You can ignore the question if it makes you uncomfortable."

Quite a few rogues had tragic pasts, and he didn't want to open old wounds if that had been the case with me.

I licked my ice cream as I contemplated his question. I eventually said, "My life wasn't as eventful as most rogues. My original pack and family were wiped out by ferals when I was twelve. Some rogues found me shortly afterwards, and I traveled with them for a while. They got adopted into a pack, but that pack didn't want a runt so I kept traveling. I met lots of rogues over the years; most are actually quite friendly."

I nibbled on the ice cream cone before continuing, "About seven years ago, I joined the Black River pack as they needed more help to keep the pack house clean and tidy. I was given an Omega position. They were fair to their Omegas, but as a runt, I was the elephant in the room. Apart from the Alpha and Luna, everyone else preferred it when I kept out of sight. I was there for a bit over a year before Doug passed away."

With a shrug, I said, "I traveled north and west for a couple of years. I eventually settled in the area where Bruce and the others found me. I traded with the nearby pack since the Alpha and Luna there had no problem with me going to their market place unescorted. Then I came here. Pretty boring story compared to most rogues." I looked up at him, "What about yourself?"

Will slowly blinked, possibly still absorbing my short explanation. He said, "I was born into this pack as an Enforcer. That was a bit of a surprise for my family, since there had never been an Enforcer in the family before. I had an easy childhood and went into training pretty early. Most Enforcers rarely ever pass the pack borders, and I have never set foot over it. We haven't had any big fights, and few ferals ever show up, so me and Evan don't see much action. Evan is the other Enforcer here. Your story sounds more exciting than mine."

I looked down and nudged my backpack with my toe. "Do you happen to have a favorite cook who likes to make fancier dishes?"

Will nodded and guided me down the street as we finished the last of our ice cream.

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