Chapter 49

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I stood beneath a tree beside Jisk as we watched the rescuers tying up a few attackers who surrendered before they started to untie and unchain the pack.

Jisk eventually sighed, "I am glad that the battle is over and no innocents got hurt."

I was in full agreement with him. "Thank goodness. I was really worried about them for a while."

Jisk's emotions shifted to longing, sadness, unease, uncertainty, and echoes of an old pain as he gazed over to the side.

I spoke quietly, "If you want, I can steal a pair of sunglasses from Will for you to wear, and you can use those leaves to block her scent. I can make her do the same if you want to talk with her without the mate bond playing havoc with your minds."

He thought for a moment as hope and anticipation started to rise. "I would love to do that. Perhaps in three days? That will give the pack some time to recover and give her a chance to run for the hills if the thought of being with a rogue gives her second thoughts."

I grinned at him. "Honest, she won't run for the hills because of that. If you paid any attention to what she has been up to in the last two months since I arrived, you would know that a rogue's abilities intrigue her."

He wrapped one arm around my waist and gave me a quick hug. "Thanks kiddo." Sincerity rang in his words.

"You're welcome." I returned the hug. I was honestly happy for him. He deserved a second chance at love.

It was rare for Jisk to show emotion like this. I knew the pain that he carried from when his original mate rejected him to marry an Alpha for power. The Alpha had used an Alpha command on Jisk to force him to leave the pack and never come back. I was pretty sure that I was the only one he had ever told, and I never spoke of it. Jisk had been like a father to me; he had mostly raised me once I had entered no man's land.

Jisk released a gusty sigh as he dropped his arm. His body tensed slightly as he took a deep slow breath, testing the air. He moved his head closer to me and took a second breath. Uh oh. He lowered his wide eyes to meet mine; his emotions were forming a whirlwind in his mind. Busted.

His voice was tight as he spoke slowly, "Please tell me that you were unaware that you were pregnant when you joined the fight." He sounded as if he was pretty sure he knew the answer.

I was filled with chagrin, of all people to notice... Letting someone expecting a child get in the way of any possible harm was right up there with rejection in Jisk's mind. No sense lying either, he would pick it up instantly. I sighed in defeat.

"I realized a couple of days ago."

Jisk's anger grew, and I waited for his explosion with trepidation. I was surprised when it didn't come. His anger dropped into heavy irritation.

"If I had realized that, I would have tied you up and hidden you deep in the woods while I took them all out. I can't believe you didn't tell me before I let you go off on your own."

I grinned shakily at my lucky break. "I can believe that you would do that too. It kind of slipped my mind with Will tied up like a turkey. I am not far enough along for it to have slowed me down yet."

He growled a reprimand at my idiocy. He glanced to the side of town where the Enforcers were tied up, not that we could see them from this angle.

"Does Will know?"

I grimaced. "Thankfully, not yet. I had been trying to find a way to surprise him with the news. Luckily, no one else around has a nose as keen as yours."

He chuckled despite himself. "You mean, you have been putting it off so he doesn't put you under house arrest like any typical Enforcer husband."

I stuck out my tongue at him. "You are going to have to come by regularly to visit your niece or nephew, or I will be most upset with you."

He blinked in surprise. "You are letting me be an Uncle?" He was honestly shocked, although excitement was building underneath.

Grinning at him, I said, "Well, it is either that or Grandpa, but that makes you sound kind of old if you ask me."

He laughed. "No, I much prefer Uncle. Although I never thought I would ever have the chance to hear that word from a child." He was practically on cloud nine; I had never sensed emotions like this from him before. I grinned at his excitement.

I glanced over; my senses tracking various individuals in the town. "It looks like they are starting on the Enforcer's chains," I said. "I am going to head down to ensure that Will doesn't kill someone in his desire to get free."

"I am going to tie up some loose ends, and I will be back in three days. I will meet you in that small meadow where you gave your first lesson in tracking masked scents."

It somehow didn't surprise me that he had managed to watch me teach that class without anyone noticing... I waved goodbye as he disappeared into the trees like a ghost. I went to go find Will.    

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