Chapter 15

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I slowly woke and realized that I was unable to move my legs. I opened my eyes and blinked in the dim morning light that was starting to come in the window. Sometime during the night, Will had migrated to the middle of the bed and had cradled me against his chest as he curled up around me. My back leaned against his chest as both of his arms were protectively caged around me. He had drawn up his legs to form another wall, and his face was lightly pressed into my neck fur. Even with my small form, I didn't have a chance of wiggling out.

I decided to relax and listen to the soothing sound of his breathing and heartbeat. My senses told me that no one was awake in the main pack house rooms yet, although I knew that sentries and patrols ran all night long. After a while, I decided to see if I could get out of Will's hold. I tried to slowly wiggle out of Will's grasp. I barely made any headway before he grunted in his sleep and pulled me tighter to his chest.

Well, that attempt had backfired on me. His protective hold was similar on a few levels to when Phil had pinned me. I was barely able to move, and there was no chance of me shifting. I turned my head and examined my predicament as much as I could. Yeah, there was no way I was getting out of here on my own power.

I noticed that he had pulled his head lower when he had moved. That tantalizing hair of his was within reach and no one was watching. I knew the mate bond was to blame, but I couldn't help it. I nuzzled my nose into his hair. It was soft and smelled exactly like I was in the middle of a forest. I loved that scent. For some bizarre reason, unknown to even me, I started to gently lick his hair as if grooming him.

Will stirred in his sleep. "Hmmm?"

He lifted his head to look at me groggily. I started snickering at his appearance. All of the hair on this side of his head was soaked and sticking up at odd angles. He blinked sleepily at me before realizing that he was on the wrong side of the bed. He pulled back, and I almost instantly missed his warmth.

He sat up and ran a hand through his wet hair. "What the-? What happened?" He looked at me in sleepy confusion.

I shifted back and covered my mouth as I started laughing at his expression and out of control hair. "I honestly have no idea why I did that. Although in my defense, my courses of action were rather limited."

He shook his head to clear it. "I seem to recall doing something similar to you yesterday, so I know the feeling."

I sat up and fiddled with the tattered hem of my t-shirt. "So, what are our plans for today?"

Will glanced at the clock. "If you are up for it, I usually go for a short run in the morning before grabbing some breakfast. I do have to help with training today, so that will leave you with some free time. Later this afternoon, the Alpha should return, and he will probably do the acceptance ceremony this evening."

I replied, "I am up for a run. I won't be able to run for long, so I can come back and help the cooks with breakfast. That will give you time to have a good run for yourself."

There was a certain freedom running with Will, or any werewolf for that matter. I could run without having to worry that some predator might pounce on me. I quite enjoyed it after so many years of cautious slow travel. I glanced towards the door as I sensed a powerful aura approaching the pack house and commented, "Looks like the Alpha got back early."

He looked at me in confusion. "How do you know that?"

I grinned at him, realizing that I hadn't gotten around to telling him about my abilities yet. "I had been designated as an Omega. Even if I hadn't been born one, the Alpha's designation was still strong enough to allow the Omega's senses to form. I didn't lose the senses when I left the pack, although the Omega status disappeared the instant he passed away."

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