Chapter 21

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I wasn't sure how long I sat there watching Will. Oddly enough, they never spotted me, and I wasn't hiding. I noticed that Will kept glancing towards the forest to the east and seemed to be getting worked up. I took a deep breath, but didn't pick up any odd scents. My senses did not pick up anything in that part of the forest either, although my range wasn't that great.

Will took a break and walked to the side of the field while looking towards the forest. I could pick up growing tension and worry even from here.

His voice entered my mind, his calm words were at odds with what I could sense from my seat. "How is it going?"

I grinned as I realized that he had no idea I had been within ear shot the entire time. "Pretty good," I said. "Big haul of mushrooms. That bag Tiffany lent me is full."

His voice was curious, "Are you heading back?"

"No, I got distracted."

I could sense worry and jealousy rolling off of him through my senses, although his mind voice only let a bit of worry leak through. "Distracted with what?"

I sent amusement down the mindlink before sending a mental picture of him staring at the forest to the east. I felt shock through both my senses and our mindlink. He spun around to scan the treeline before his eyes landed on me. A relieved grin broke out on his face, and he started to sprint towards me.

Others looked over to see where he was going and grinned when they spotted me. I stood up as he approached. Moments later, I was enveloped in a hug, and my feet left the ground as he spun in a circle a few times in relieved joy. He was happy to see me. "How long have you been here?"

"I'm not entirely sure. I was here when the six fighters left for their patrol shift."

He blinked in shock. "That was nearly two hours ago."

I shrugged with a shy grin. "As I said, I got distracted and lost track of time."

Tilting his head in curiosity, he said, "What was so distracting about it?" He obviously couldn't figure out how I had sat as spectator for so long.

I grinned and sent the image of him from half an hour ago, when he had stretched his hands high above his head. His muscles were quite visible despite the distance, and the sun had glittered off his slightly sweaty skin. I had carefully committed that one to memory.

I was startled to hear a faint rumble come from his chest. I glanced up at him to see his eyes darken. His emotions were a mixed jumble of pride, love, and possessiveness. I blushed slightly as I sensed his desire rising despite his attempts to suppress it.

I ducked my head and wrapped my arms around him in a hug as I leaned my head against his chest so he couldn't see my rising blush. He wrapped his arms around me tightly as he took a deep breath. I could sense his struggle for control, and his frustration that he was having to fight for control.

After a few minutes, he sighed deeply. "I didn't think it would be this hard." He didn't seem bothered by the fact that he knew I could sense what he was feeling.

I rubbed my hand along his back. "It is hitting you harder than it is hitting me. Some of the things I am occasionally sensing are pointing to your Enforcer role."

He was silent in thought. I let go and stepped back. I said, "I can sit on the sidelines if you want to go to practice more."

He glanced back at the training area where the others continued their practice. I felt a faint shimmer of jealousy and protectiveness roll across his mind. He didn't want me near either the men or women down there.

He ran his hand through his hair in slight frustration before saying, "Would you mind accompanying me as I visit someone? I am hoping he might have some advice on how to control some of my reactions before I do something I regret."

I nodded. "Let's just drop these mushrooms off with the cooks." He picked up the bag for me and started walking.

I gave a small uncomfortable cough to catch his attention, and he glanced back at me in confusion. I clarified, "As much as I am enjoying the view of you wandering around without a shirt, the jealous side of me doesn't want the younger cooks to stare."

He started to smirk, and a light blush touched my cheeks. I never had a need to be jealous before I met Will, and I was trying to come to terms with these new emotions. He seemed to be getting a kick out of my jealousy.

He gestured with his head across the meadow. "Head towards that path, and I will meet you there."

He went back to the training area to grab a shirt. He beat me to the wide path that led through the trees. We walked hand in hand towards the pack house. The cooks were happy with the mushrooms that we left here for them.

I walked beside Will as we headed towards some cottages. Will knocked on a door and waited. It was opened by an older man. His hair had gone mostly grey, and my senses immediately identified him as a retired Enforcer. His lean frame would still be the equal of the younger, active Enforcers. While he was technically retired, he would join in if any serious fight broke out, he just wouldn't do much with the smaller day to day stuff.

He smiled. "Will, good to see you again. What brings you here?" His eyes drifted over to me in curiosity. "And who is this?"

Will replied, "Good to see you as well, Tony. This is my mate, Jade. I am here because I am hoping that you have some advice or tricks since I have had some control issues lately."

With a nod, Tony said, "Let's go over to the reinforced training room and see what we can do."

Tony left the house and started walking with us as he asked, "When did you two meet?"

Will replied, "Three days ago."

Tony looked at me closely. "You are not marked, and the bond has not been completed, correct?"

I turned a bit red at the topic, but nodded. Tony turned his attention to Will. "What kind of control problems have you encountered so far?"

Will made a face as he honestly answered his mentor. "The very first day, I almost attacked Fred when he snarled at her. Since then, I have almost lost control four times, and of those four, a couple occurred when no one else was even around."

I glanced at him, four times? I knew about our game of keep away and the image of my father. His control minutes ago had been pushed, but he hadn't come close to losing control. What other times had there been?

Tony gave him an odd look. "Have you been trying various techniques in case one is more effective?"

"I have tried them all. I have never had problems with my control before, and it has me severely off balance. I am scared that I am going to injure someone."

"Have you had any indication that you may harm Jade?"

Will shook his head violently. "No, the need to mark her is strong, but the control problems are occurring if I worry about her safety or if she is away from me."

We approached the building, and Tony opened the door and went inside. I followed behind Will.

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