Part 2

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Heart is beating fast. Am I short of breath? 

"Goodbye hunny!"  She drives off.

"Bye Mum..." 

A huge school. Looks similar to the ones in England. I can do this. One step at a time. 

A boy walks up.



"What? Whatever."

A girl leans upon a tree.


"British scum..."

"Why does he have a dog?" 



"Fucked up"

"Special case"


"Stupid bastard"


"Mentally challenged"


"Ah! Mum?" I woke in a pool of sweat, tears, and some blood.

"Mum?" I was so scared. I had absolutely no idea what was going on. "What... I..."

"Shhhh It's ok." She took me in her arms and slowly rocked me while I cried. A couple minutes passed then I was calm.

"What happened? Did I have a seizure?" I sometimes had fits in my sleep, but I never remember them.

"I think so. I was awoken by Sean barking and when I came in you were bleeding and struggling, like.. like you were being tied up." She made motions with her hands. I could feel the pain in her eyes. She hated it when I had a fit.

I touched my head. It hurt really bad. I must've hit it on my headboard.

"What time is it?"

"'Bout 5:30. You want to go take a shower? I'll clean your sheets."

"Ok." and I went to the washroom to take a shower.


Everyone was awake now. It was Sunday, so my dad was home. Usually we would have a family breakfast, but we skipped it today because we had to leave to go to my school.

"Morning Dad."


"Ah HA!" Asa jumped onto my back. "Piggie back ride!"

"OW! ASA! That hurt!"

Asa jumped off. "Sorry, buddie."

"I'm sure she didn't mean to hurt you Hayden. Get over it." My dad. Always know what to say.

Ignoring my dad. "It's ok. Here get on properly." I crouched down and let her climb on my back.

"Piggie or Horsie?"

"HORSIE! Giddy Up!"

"Neigh!" and I trotted around the house until we came to the couch in the living room.

"Ok, down cowgirl!"

"AGAIN!" she said not getting off my back. "Yah!"

"No horsie is tired."

"But I'm not going to see you until Holiday!"

"Asa please." I was trying to get her off without saying that I was woozie (Mainly because I haven't taken my morning meds yet)

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