Part 7

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I closed and covered my eyes and we continued over to the restaurant. It was uneventful. It was semi-awkward, then we went back to the school. When I got back to my dorm I immediately laid down and fell asleep. 


The next day was rough. Luckily, it was Saturday which meant no classes. Adam was already gone for his training when Hayden woke up. He took his morning pills and laid back down. His head was pounding. 


*Knock knock knock*

"I'm coming."

When I opened the door I saw Ashley.

"Hey, Ash. What's up?"

"Nothing, can I come in?"

"Sure." She walked in and I pulled out Adam and mine desk chairs and we sat down.

"You ok, Ashley?"

"Not really. I feel bad for what happened last night. We all pressured you to tell us and that wasn't right."

"It's fine. I needed to tell you at some point right?"

"But you weren't ready and,"

"Hey, it's ok. I'm ok. The sun is shining, the birds are out. I'm not dead. You're not dead." She chuckled. 

"Are you sure it's ok?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Anything you're curious about you can ask me. I'm ok with it. I'm like a walking classroom."

"I do have a question..."

"Ok, what is it?"

"When are you going to start tutoring me? We have a test on Friday. THAT'S LESS THAN A WEEK!"

We both laughed. 

"We can start at anytime."

"Ok. I'll text you but right now I've got cheer practice. Bye!"

"Bye Ash!"

"Oh. Hayden. Are you going to the football game tonight?"

"I don't know. I don't even know anything about the game."

"It's fine. Nobody does and besides, David is going." She winked at me. "Oh and by the way. Yesterday you got a call from your sister from your 'Mum'." She laughed. "David answered. Ok bye!"


What the frickle frack was that wink?

I went over to my desk and pulled out a sheet of paper to write back to Asa.

Dear Asa,

Hi, beautiful. I'm so glad that you met a new friend. I'm doing fine. I miss Elise also but I miss you more. Americans are super weird. They spell everything wrong. Favourite. Colour. The whole shebang. I heard that you called last night. Why did you take Mum's phone? I hope she wasn't mad. The holiday that you were thinking of is Thanksgiving. Hopefully I'll be able to go see you then. I love you, Asa. Say hi to Patty and Eve for me. 



I didn't know what else to write so I folded the paper and stuck it in the envelope. I wrote the address and stuck a stamp on it. Then I got dressed and took it down to the mail room.


"Hey, David."

"How are you feeling?"

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