Part 4

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I unpacked my stuff and made my bed. I climbed in and was about to fall asleep when my alarm went off. I had to take my night meds. I got up and went over to my medicine box and pulled out by bottles for the night. I took them and then climbed back into my bed. Adam was already asleep so I just laid there. I slowly drifted into sleep, Sean to my side.

I woke at 8 am and saw that Adam was already gone. I got up to go take a shower. I grabbed my clothes and my towel and headed down the hall. When I was walking someone ran into me and made me fall.

"Oh, sorry."

"It's fine."

"Do I know you?" 

"Not likely, just got here last night."

"Yeah, I have. You were with Jones."

"Oh, you were that kid that needed to turn in their essay."

"Yep. The name's David Willard. You are?"

"Hayden Wright."

"You talk funny. Just kidding. What's with the dog?"

"Service animal, he isn't wearing his vest right now."

"Ahh, I see, and why do you need a service animal? You don't look retarded." He was saying this is a joking manner, but I've heard it so many times that it still got on my nerves.

"I've got to go take a shower." Then, I walked away. He didn't say anything else and I hoped that I would never see him again.

Oh boy was I wrong.

In fact, I was VERY wrong. Kind of ironic that I have WRIGHT as a name.

You see, I had almost every class with him.

Physics, Calculus, English, and Life Skills.



People started showing up the week after I showed up. I started getting more and more comfortable. I thought about writing to my sisters but I didn't know what to write. I ran into David a lot, and for being such an ass when we met, he's a pretty cool guy. So far he has pulled 3 pranks on various students, teachers, and staff. 

I met most of the people in my grade; it turns out that I have a very small class, only 200 students. Now, that may sound like a lot, but compared to the other grades, which had an average of 400, I had a small class.

Apparently, all my worries were for nothing. Everyone was super nice and most of them didn't even question why I had a dog. I met a group of people who basically accepted me as one of their children. They are super cool and we're all super diverse.

There's Ashley. Very stereotypical. Blonde. Fair skin. Captain of the cheer leading and volleyball teams. I thought she was going to be a big beayotch but she's the nicest person ever.

Grant. The nerd-ish. He competes at chess tournaments but also plays football. Wait, soccer. He's super tall and looks like Ashley's twin. 

There's Zachary. My height, 5'8". Black. He's got a stutter but, dear lord, he can sing! He's very talented in singing and music all together. He can play the drums, ukulele, violin, cello,  guitar, bass, tuba, trumpet and you get the point. He's the drum major in our marching band and has a full scholarship. I wonder why?

Finally, there's David. Yes, the ass David. I haven't found out that much about him, yet.

And me.

I love them. They don't even care about Sean. At first they were cautious but now they don't even care. School hasn't even started and I've been the happiest I've ever been. It's at this point I started to wonder why I was ever scared.

Then I remembered. 

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