Part 8

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David was driving. As we were getting closer to the stadium, it was getting darker. Car lights started turning on and I found myself staring at them. We came to a stop light and David looked at me. He quickly covered my eyes with his hand and I snapped out of it.

"Thanks, David."

"I can't deal with that shit right now" He chuckled. I had a straight face. "Hey, I'm only joking."

"I know."

"You ok?"

"Yeah, just a bit dizzy. I'll be fine when in it of the car."

"Well, you're in luck cause we're here."

"Ok let me know when we're parked."

He parked the car and we got out. I could here the band warming up and the cheerleaders were setting up. We bought our tickets and went into the stadium. It was about 6:30 and not many people were there. We found a spot in the stadium and sat there for a while. We were far from people. Over the next 20 minutes people started showing up. The stadium stayed to fill and the cheerleaders started to get warmed up. They were doing flips, cartwheels, and practicing pyramids. I watched them then spotted Ashley at the top of one of the pyramids. She spotted us and gave a little wave before she fell down into the arms of the people below her.

"You want to go say hi to Ash?"


We walked down the steps to Ashley. She saw us and came over.

"Hey guys. What's up?"

"Nothin much. I'm just soaking in the moment. We got the British shortie over here to come." He messed up my hair.

"You're going to love it. I think the band is coming. I've got to go."

"Bye. You're going to like this. The band comes marching out. And the color guard. It's really cool. Come on."

We walked back to our seats. We sat down and the band came out. Sean got anxious cause loud sounds trigger seizures but I felt fine. I watched the show while petting him so he knew I was fine. When the show ended the game started. It was fun, I guess. We started off really good then half time started. The band came back out and did another show. It was way better than the first one. I felt dizzy so I grabbed David's shoulder. He got really concerned but I told him I was fine.

"Are you sure. You don't look fine. Maybe we should go."

"No. I told you I'm fine."

He didn't believe me but he saw that I was angry. I had been torn from almost every exciting thing in my life. Heck, my first seizure happened on my birthday party.

I felt my heart beating hard. I stood up and walked down the stadium. David was following close behind. As we walked down he was calling my name and I heard some jerks say things like gay, fag, and insults like that. I started walking faster trying to get away. Ashley saw us and ran over. I found a little inlet for dumpsters or something. I ran in there and David followed. Ashley was not far behind. I sat against the wall. I closed my eyes and tried to block out sound and tried to focus.


I lost control of my legs then my arms. I could feel the drum beat in my chest.

"What's wrong. What happened?"

"I don't know. He just ran down into here."

Suddenly everything stopped. Like my seizure stopped.

"What just happened?"

"I think you had a seizure."

"No I didn't. That's the problem." I started to get up.

"Woah, I think you should stay down."

I didn't listen to her. I stood up.

"Where am I?"

"Football game. Please sit back down, Hayden."

"Who's Hayden?"

"You are. Please sit back down."

"No. Where's Elise?"

"We don't know who that is."

"My sister. Taller than me. Short hair. Elise Wright."

"We've never met her."

"Yes you have. Where's my phone?" I pulled out my phone and my pill bottle fell out also.

"Shit. Ashley what time is it?"

"Like 9 why?"

"He hasn't taken his pills."

I dropped my phone and started to sway. Ashley ran over and held me.

"No!" I broke from her grasp.

I was facing away from them. The band was finished and the game started again.

"Ashley you need to go."

"No I'm staying here."

"Hey, where's Elise." I didn't turn around.

"We told you we don't know who..."

"My sister!" I turned around. "My twin. She's always been there. Where is she?"

"Hayden, your nose is bleeding."

"I... I need... I need find her."

I collapsed. Sounds were gone. Light, darkness it was the same thing. Controlling my body, that was a distant memory.

A seizure.

------------- (this next part is in the eyes of the narrator explaining what happened to David and Ashley.)

"HAYDEN! Ashley call 911!" David ran over to Hayden and placed his sweatshirt under Hayden's head.

"Yes, 911. We need an ambulance. My friend is having a seizure. He had epilepsy but this looks bad."

"It's ok Hayden. Everything's all right."

"Fred Kelly stadium."

David stayed by Hayden.

"Please hurry. I'm scared."

Can you describe what he's doing?

"Ummm well, he's on his side. He's shaking. His eyes are closed. He sounds like he's choking almost like listen."

She bent down and placed the phone to Hayden's mouth.

Just stay by him. Is something soft under his head?

"Yes. A sweatshirt."

Ok good. The ambulance is almost there.


Is he still seizing?

"Yeah, but it looks like it's slowing down."

Ok. Good.

The ambulance came shortly after and they came to where Hayden was laying. Not many people noticed since the game was still going. The paramedics got Hayden on the stretcher and put him in the ambulance. Sean followed and David got in also. Ashley went back to the game.


I don't remember much but I do remember feeling tubes and hands and being cold. I remember David's voice and someone crying. I remember sirens and feeling alone.

I remember being scared.

The Seizures that Overcome my LifeWhere stories live. Discover now