Part 38

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I cleverly avoided the question by changing the subject.

"Why are you doing this? Capturing females only to get an heir?" I asked him. I really wanted to know. The only thing I knew about vampires was what I heard in twilight and I haven't seen any sparkles so I'm guessing that it won't really help me much.

"It's a job, you don't question the orders of Razzardus" he told me flatly. Taking a seat on the loveseat

"But why would Razzardus want vampires? If you are only creating two every 9 months it won't be much of an army." I said nonchalantly. Trying to act like I was just curious

"Ahhh, but he doesn't want vampires. You see he injected some of his blood into me. And for the last 22 years I've been creating monsters for him. I have never been aloud to see exactly what the children were, since they are born in his true form. The mother is taken in birth and I never see her or the child again." he explained simply. I sat down.

"So the legend is true? Razzardus has been able to transform into something more than he is?" I asked disappointed. Somewhere deep inside of me I've always kept hoping that Ryan's fear would not come to be.

"Well, I haven't seen his other form myself but that is the reason I get every time I have to hand over another women." he said softly. He looked almost sad at his confession.

"Who is this?" Zanne asked from across the room holding a photo frame in her hand. It was a photo of a beautiful young women with fiery red hair and grass green eyes.

"Put that down. It's none of your business who that is." the vampire said venomously.

Zanne quickly returned the frame and came to sit beside me. I looked at the vampire questioningly. There was a pain in his eyes. A type of pain I've seen but once before in the eyes of Queen Lilliana

Was that the vampires true love? But where is she now?

Before I could even think to ask, the troll Maharani spoke up. He was standing by the door talking to someone I couldn't see.

"Sire, Razzardus demands an audience with you" he said hurriedly, causing the vampire to stand up just as fast as he sat down.

"Maharani, keep an eye on the women. I shall ask Razzardus what to do with that one" he said tilting his head in Zanne's direction. "But do not take action before I return." he continued before making a hasty exit.

The room was quiet. Awkwardly Zanne got up and made her way towards the photo once again.

"Leave that be! The Master will be furious if he sees that you have not obeyed his demands." the troll spoke up and ran towards Zanne, trying to take the photo from her.

"But who is she?" Zanne asked as she held the frame in the air where the troll couldn't reach it. He levitated before she could blink and stole the frame out of her hand to return it back onto the bookcase.

"That is Queen Aria." he said giving her a look that warned not to ask any more questions. Without her ability to read minds however she didn't even notice.

"You mean it's the vampires wife? Well, I'm not sure how the vampires do thing but I sure as hell won't be impressed if Xander tried to make babies with every women that walks by." she said with a huff

"She's dead you fool. Killed by Razzardus himself." he said with a sigh

"Then why does he continue to work for him?" Zanne asked shocked

"He doesn't have a choice. His daughter was taken by Razzardus the same day that Razzardus killed our beloved queen. The only way to get her back is to do as Razzardus commands." the troll said and I swear I could see compassion in his eyes.

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