29 - Grace

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I glare at Caden as he avoids my question, his posture was that of shame. Oh Caden what have you done? I think as I wrap my arms around during myself.

That tattoo on the wolf was one of the highest ranking wolf in the royal guard and he had called Caden Alpha, I was sure of it.

"Caden who was that?" I ask again as a sigh escapes his lips. My worst fear was curling I side my mind as I backed away from hime, watching hurt flash across his face as he finally looks at me, Amelia taking a protective step between the two of us.

"You have to understand that I kept something from the two of you for your own and my own safety." He starts off with, a plea in his face that had paled and my eyes narrow with distrust.

"Who are you?" I ask in a hushed tone as my eyes search his face

"I can't tell you my full name but I am Caden, that is my real name." He whispers with a hint of sorrow.

[Ace?] Amelia's voice fills my head as Caden takes a step towards us and I shiver, turning around to hide the tears that wanted to pour from my eyes.

"Who are you?" I plead, my question directed towards Caden.

"I can't tell you. Not until the run is over. I'm sorry Lady Silver." His arms wrap around me as I feel my back connect to his chest. My heart was imploding as I felt the sting of betrayal.

He would not tell me who he is. But did I want to know the truth.

"I won't hurt you Grace. Just please give me a chance to explain when we get to the lodge. Please?" His head was in the crook of my neck as I felt him shake, his arms holding me closer.

"Why should I trust you?" I asked stuck between wanting to tear away from him but also wanting to turn into his arms.

"Because I haven't lied to you. I just haven't told you everything about me." He whispers, his lips finding my temple and kissing the skin gently.

[Grace?] Amelia pushed into my mind and I knew she was curious on what to do and I took a shaky breath.

[We get to the lodge and let him explain] I answer back, hearing a sigh come from my friend.

[Okau, but if he does anything stupid on the way there?] She questions.

[We leave him and finish by ourselves] that seemed to satisfy my friend as I pull away from Caden and look at the pair on the ground. The female seem to have waken up, her eyes in a dazed state as we near her.

"What happened?" She asks and I force a friendly smile on my face.

"You're safe now, that's all you need to know." I answer quickly as the male helps her to her feet and the lean against each other.

"Did...did you save use?" She ponders with wide eyes as she takes in Caden, Amelia and myself.

"Yes." His voice was gentle and I took a deep breath as he stood behind me, the girl's face filling with relief.

"Thank you." She whispers.

"You're welcom." I reply as Amelia trots over to them and nuzzles the shewolf.

We help them to a nearby tree house and leave them to enjoy the last three days before Caden shifts and we take off.

I was happy to have rescued the two lovers but something still nagged at me.

Caden wasn't who he said he was and I needed to find out what he hid before I would go on any date with him at all. But I knew he had snuck into my heart and captured it. Only question was will I be left broken hearted by the end of this horrible event or will there be something to finally hope for? Will I finally have a mate I love?

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