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So to those who follow me I created my new years goal today, I plan to self publish my wattpad book series "The Blue Moon Saga" on Amazon Kindle by winter 2020.
I've been writing on Wattpad since I was 17 and have always hoped to be discovered by a publisher for years and as of 2 years ago I started looking into self publishing because I realized with technology these days anything is possible and that self publishing with Amazon is easier then I expected.
Of course I will have my amazing friend do the covers (like the ones she did for the wattpad versions) because she has been my friend for so many years and her work is amazing.
As the note above states the timing in which I plan to release the states it will be a huge project and will take a while to heavily edit the first book, The Run, but I am prepared to do it.

The note above is posted in my "conversation" tab on my profile but I will be doing updates on my Instagram (angel.lunair) about the book as well as on my conversation tab here on wattpad.

Of course I will keep the original version on here to read for free but the new finished/polished version will definately be worth while to read as more details and character will be added.

Also the picture in this part is the soon to be new covers done By Anonymous_115 as usual and I will be uploading the changes soon. Send some love to her instagram wyvern102

Till the next announcement

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