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When you have eliminated the impossible, however improbable must be the truth_ Sherlock Holmes.


As he was looking at me I shifted my gaze away from his creepy stone eyes. I was about to take my next step towards the investigation, my attention shifted towards a man who was creeping into the men's section which was exactly on the other end of the crime scene. Why is this man going to the prohibited area? is he anyway related to the crime? I have to find out.

I know that the man who is standing in front of me is very suspicious but I have no time to get to know about him. Abruptly apologizing him, I ran towards the other corner of the floor. I am thankful that even this man did not notice me.

I ran towards the men's section and slowly slid into the room tiptoeing, so that the man does not notice my presence. I hid myself behind the wall and was observing him carefully. He was a middle age man around 40-45 years and 5 feet 6 inches height with scratchy beard and big tummy, dressed in a faded brown jerkin and green faded jeans and worn out shoes.

Why would someone wear a winter jacket in spring?

His appearance was very appealing that he is a culprit. I saw him removing his jacket and found that his tummy was not at all fat, his T shirt was covered with little blood stains and some woollen strands here and there.

Those woollen strands look familiar to me and I realized that it was from the victim's scarf. I knew it, I knew it was not suicide.

I knew there were some one behind that death. Now I have to stop him before it is too late.

"Tch...tch...tch...I think no one taught you manners mister! stealing is really a bad thing" I sarcastically said.

He turned back to me only to find me just behind him. My voice startled him.

" Who are you...? what are you doing here?" he sharply questioned.

Ah! the killer instincts.

" It's not necessary for you to know who am I? but I would let you know the purpose of my visit." I smirked after my reply.

"And what exactly you know ?" he asked clearing the sweat on his forehead.

" Something that you thought you were hiding from everyone." I said.

"Stop! enough of your puzzles dude, come exactly to the point" he said with a sharp voice making his way towards me.

Dude? oh! yes I am in a disguise , I nearly forgot. I should be more cautious from now.

"My answer lies in these questions. What are you doing in a restricted area like this?

Why are you in an isolated floor like this?

And why exactly are you changing your clothes here?" I asked.

"Are you a cop?" he asked.

Do I look like one? 

No I am a detective I wanted to say, but refrained from  myself doing so. After all he is a criminal , the less he know about me, the better.

"No, I am not, but you need not worry about that.  your sole worry should about yourself." I said.

"Then why should I answer you?" he said holding something from his T shirt.

I scrutinized my gaze at him. There is a probability of him having a weapon.

"Because if you don't, I will reveal your secret" I threatened.

"So, you came to know everything huh " he said.

What does he mean everything? 



or there is something more to it?

 "Probably, but I had loved to hear it from you" I said.

"Why did you kill the lady?" I sharply questioned.

My words hit him like a thunder; but immediately, he regained his composure.

"Your alibi is not enough to prove me guilty, boy" his face painted with wicked laugh.

"What if I did not tell you enough alibis.

 what if I have something else to say" I glared at him.

Alerted by my voice he took out a weapon from his waistline. I was not amazed to see a pistol in his hand.

"You dare not to speak boy. Its time to kiss your life, goodbye." he said pointing out weapon towards me. 

I was about say something only to be interrupted by inspector voice.

When did he come in picture? I thought I sneaked into the crime zone like a pro.

"Leave the boy now." he said demanding from his speaker behind the glass.

"Don't move or else I will kill him" the culprit said blackmailing the inspector about killing me. Everyone stood back leaving me and the culprit in the room.

"Back off everyone" I heard inspector saying.

I saw some crowd clearing the floor.

"I think your days on earth have come to an end" he said shooting a bullet towards me. I precisely dodged the bullet only to hear a loud voice.

That was sudden!

"No!" I heard a familiar voice again in the background.

Who is that? 

I had no time to think. My reflexes were pretty quick, its as if my body is acting on its own.

 "I don't think you can end my days on the earth mister, because I am a miracle from heaven" I sarcastically said dodging an another bullet.

With that I kicked hard a football  which was already lying on the floor near sportswear, towards the culprit which knocked him towards the wall.

He was barely conscious because I hit him with a force. It was as if I had an adrenaline rush in my veins. His nose was bleeding and he was now totally unconscious. I was amazed by own performance.

This was my first case as a detective!

I never knew I could do this to someone.

 I turned around to see a crowd gathered around the glass doors and my eyes immediately found someone familiar in the crowd.

What the fish?

It was my arch enemy!

The person I hate the most, in this entire world!


 I was really surprised or should I say shocked to see him. 

This explains that familiar voice I heard earlier but the question of the day is -

 What is Wade doing here? 



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