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Killing never solves a problem, it just begins a new one. As it's said that death is the only  beginning.                                                                                                    _Rachel Richard Moore. 


I informed the cops and made sure no one touched the body and started inspecting it myself without touching it. When, I was checking her breath earlier, she wasn't breathing and this indicates that she died before falling. The body is still warm which means she died around half an hour or twenty minutes ago.

There are no scratches, no wounds on the body except the ones that are caused by falling. But I am smelling something fishy. There were lots of bags scattered around her indicating that she was shopping and balloons in her right hand. Why balloons? someone who shopped at this rate with many bags why would they carry balloons with them?


And last but not least she has a broken heel of her shoe. This gives us conclusion that she fell because she broke her heel accidentally or least if some is behind this made it look like an accident.

I should figure it out whether this is accident or not.

As, I was lost in my thoughts, something hit me, about the direction she fell. I started assuming by using simple physics. For example if I started walking in my corridors with some load in my hand and suddenly if I slip towards the railing I immediately reach for it by holding it tight leaving all other items and even though I don't hold I don't fall immediately because I would be held by railing itself unless someone pushes me from behind and if I fall I would hit my back but not front.

But that did not happen with this lady. She was holding all the materials in her hand during the time she fell and why didn't balloons leave her hand ? and she was not breathing when she fell, that means it is not an accident and it is absurd to say suicide which means I am left with only one option, that it is a pre-planned murder.

The murderer made sure that it looks like an accident but as they say every crime leaves some clues so do this. Now, whoever responsible for this will be punished. I will track him down no matter what. I need go and check the place from where this lady fell.

Probably I might find some clues.

You cannot escape me killer. Rachel is coming after you. Beware.

My thoughts were diverted by police sirens and I saw three police men with their troop approaching the body.

"Hello, sir" I said moving my hand forward.

"Hello" he replied shaking the hand.

"I am Rachel Richard more and I was the one who informed you "I said.

"Rachel, huh" he said inspecting the body.

"Close all the gates" he said to security.

"I made sure they did sir" I replied.

His men took the photographs of the body along with the bags and scattered items. He stared at the body for a long time and concluded that it was an accident.

"Accident? it's absurd, how can you jump into conclusions?" I confronted him.

"You need not teach me what to do." inspector said.

"I have right to because when she fell, she was not even breathing" I adamantly reported.

"Go do your work girl, don't disturb the police investigation" he said not even bothering to hear what I said. I was about to intervene only to be pulled by Stacy.

"You need not be a Sherlock Holmes Rachel, stand in a corner and be silent "Stacy was angry.

I removed my hand from her hold and stood there silently gritting my teeth and tapping my feet to floor.

I have to stop the murderer before he gets away, I can't let him go away but how do I find the culprit? no one would believe me without proof not even Stacy, I thought and my way upstairs.

"And where do you think you are going?" Stacy confronted.

"To retrieve one of the bags I shopped but forgot to get it, it might be near cafeteria, maybe I left it when we were having snacks "I told.

"Which one? "she asked.

"Lingerie" I coolly lied.

"Fine, unless you don't mess up with the investigation "she said.

"I know, that's why I am going to keep my mind away from it. Stay, here until I return, I will be back soon "I said.

"Okay, be quick" she said.

I made my way upstairs only to be confronted by a cop, I innocently replied that I need to use wash room showing my first finger, flushing.

"Okay, you can go" he said.

Damn! girlish expressions.

I went to wash room which was on the other side of the stairs, damn how do I reach there? Suddenly my gaze fell at the wash room window. I opened the window with the help of the screw driver and climbed the pipe to reach the next floor washroom knowing that I am scared of heights, but still took a big risk without looking down. I slowly made my way upstairs seeing that the security was on the other side and somehow managed to reach the sixth floor.

Reaching the sixth floor I made my way directly to the place where the lady fell and found the broken heel and some marbles on the floor.

Very brilliant!

If the culprit is around here then he would definitely change his disguise and so far, all the lady washrooms are empty and that means there are more chances that the killer might be a man. I am glad that the shoppers at the sixth floor are stopped to let the investigation complete and I heard one of the cops saying that it would take another two hours to get the post-mortem results.

Excellent! that means I have another two hours to find him.

Now there is no option but to sneak into the men's wash room but how can I go there?






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