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/I don't want to hear you've got a boyfriend. Sometimes, you're better off alone. But if you change your mind; you know where I am. Yeah, if you change your mind; you know where to find me. Cause I don't wanna be your boyfriend. And never did I think that I would be caught in the way you got me. Push another girl aside, and just give in... Girls love girls and boys. Girls love girls and boys. And never did I think that I would be caught in the way you got me - but girls love girls and boys, and love is not a choice. I am just a villain vying for attention from a girl - a girl who can't decide and here's the reason why/ ~ Panic! At the Disco {Girls/Girls/Boys}

Jackson's Perspective

"I like you. A lot. So maybe we can...no. No, no. God no!" I kicked the garbage bin, leaning against a wall in the men's bathroom. Pathetic. Running my hands down my face, I made a sound that was crossed between a groan and a sigh and moved in front of the mirror above the closest sink.

"Okay," I whispered to myself. "You can do this. You just...need to say it. Simple, right?" I asked myself in the mirror, hoping that at least my facial expression would give me sort of consolation that I wouldn't like a pathetic dumbass.

Looking to my right, I saw the janitor holding a mop, and a bucket full of water with a scared look on his face. "I'm not crazy," I said to him. Smiling while saying it.

The older man nodded, and gave me a sympathetic smile. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, kid." And he kind of just walked away. Taking a deep breath it, I let it out, looked at myself in the mirror, shook my head and smiled {weakly} at myself. "You got this."

Walking out of the men's bathroom, I slowly headed down the hall into the bullpen. Maybe if thought about being courageous it would work...it would make asking her a whole lot easier.

Yeah. Pft. Right.

Like that would ever happen in a million years.

Opening the glass doors, I jumped down the two steps, and strode over to my desk. Hannah was just exiting Charity's office with a brown folder in one hand, a coffee cup in the other, and a binder in the the one.

Except Charity wasn't in there.

Perfect way to start a conversation.

Shooting up out of my seat, I jumped up beside Hannah digging my hands into my pockets, clearing my throat. "Is there something I can do for you, Agent Walker?"

You can go on a date with me.

"No, I-I was just curious. Where's Charity?"

"Oh, she called in sick this morning. Told me to give these files to Kristen so she could take a look over it."

"New case?" I asked.


I paused. She paused. I coughed. "Can I...see it?"

"No," she responded confidently.


"Last time I checked, you aren't the Agent Walker that is in charge here." Ouch.

"Last time I checked I wasn't either." I replied, covering up the sting that was applied to my already bruised ego. "So, Casey," I began. Maybe if I called her by her last name she'd think of it as...cute? Adorable? Maybe? "What are you doing this Saturday?"

She turned a sharp corner into the rec room, opening the fridge before pouring a small glass of strawberry Fruitopia. "Nothing. Why?"

"Oh, no, apparent reason I was just wondering if...maybe, you wanted to go to dinner...?" That sounded good right? Not pathetic? Right?!

She looked up from her cup, her one eyebrow arched and the corner of her lip tugged upward. "Are-are you asking me on a date, Jackson Walker?"

I paused. Fear spreading through me like wildfire. I watched her face soften as she softly bit on her lip. A small ever-so slight smile creeping on my face. But she was too late.

"What?! No. I just - because then we can discuss ways on how to improve your assistant skills." Shit. The hell was I saying?! "I mean, I - uh," I began to laugh nervously. Her face fell, her yes cast on the ground.

"I know you don't like me, Agent Walker. But playing with my feelings is stooping to a new level for you!" She shouted, chucking her juice at my shirt. The red bled into my white shirt, dripping down my jeans.

Her cup was on the ground - crushed.

She had stormed off. I tried calling for her, but she didn't listen. "Good job, Jackson. Good job." Shaking off the juice that splattered onto the skin of my arms, I groaned audibly making my way to the room where the team kept our suitcases of spare clothes for when we had an 'emergency case'.

The room was small and black - pretty much my soul right about now. I tried turning on the light-bulb, but it, along with everything else that has happened to me today gave up. Yanking my gym bag off the shelf I unzipped the top, pulled out a spare green shirt, took off my white one and replaced it with the green one.

The fabric felt foreign for a moment as it clung to my wet torso and chest. Honestly - at this point - I couldn't give two shits about what the fuck my clothes felt like. Or the fact that I was drenched in red punch.

Fuck it. Fuck it all.

After putting the bag back, I walked out of the room to see Kristen walking out of the elevator with Owen laughing behind her. "You're late," I complained.

"Aw, c'mon, Jacky, " Owen began, using the nickname that I ever-so hated, but found that it was best I just dealt with it. "Give your sister a break. We were busy," he said. I stopped, looked between the two of them after arching my eyebrow.

"Oh, so you two finally decided to hook up? Bout time."

"What?!" Kris asked, her eyes shooting between Owen and I nervously. "We had to buy Balto extra food because the bag was empty and so was his bowl." She told me, walking away to her desk.

I looked at Owen. "You sure you two didn't you know..." I made a motion with my arm symbolizing the...thing. Owen scrunched up his face.

"Dude, no."

He walked past me, while throwing his coffee cup in the garbage bin, only for it to land perfectly inside the bin - without him even looking.

Was this guy made in lab, or something?

If so, and Kris and him ever did decide to hook up, then she'd be sleeping with a robot of some-sort, right?

Wow. I have way too much free time on my hands.

Lily's Perspective

"Chug! Chug! Chug!" Jess and I were chanting as Delilah had a water-bottle that you buy at Staples titled back as she swallowed the water within it. I watched the clock as well, seeing if she could actually finish the whole bottle with one sip in a minute or less. Like she said.

"You can do it! Chug!" Jess screamed. Delilah took the tip of the water bottle out of her mouth. Forty-five seconds. Jess and I were quiet - waiting. We watched as Delilah gulped, tipped the water bottle. One drop left the rim but it was proven. Delilah Grayson could in fact drink a whole water bottle full to the top in a minute or less. Just like she said she could.

The three of us cheered, spinning in our chairs, pleased with the outcome. Kristen walked in, shaking her head as she tossed a brown folder onto each of our desks. "We're having a meeting in three." She told us, climbing up the couple steps joining Joan in the room. But before closing the door behind her, she poked her out a bit farther so she could look at Jess, D and I. "And next time you do that D..." each of our eyes widened. Are we in trouble? Shit. "Next time, challenge me. I bet I could beat your score," she shot us a toothy grin and closed the door behind her.

"Well she's unusually happy." Jess added.

"Yeah what's up with her?" D asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. Jackson groaned as she shuffled past us, deciding to get an early start on our little conference. "Hey, Jacky, why's Kris so happy today?"

He turned to us shrugging his shoulders before disappearing into the conference room.

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