~ S E V EN ~

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/Guess this means you're sorry; you're standing at my door. Guess this means you take back all the things you've said before - like how much you wanted anyone but me. Said you'd never come back, but here you are again. Maybe I was stupid for telling you goodbye. Maybe I was wrong for trying to pick a fight. I know that I've got issues, but you're pretty messed up too. Either way I found out I'm nothing without you. Cause we belong together, now, yeah. Forever united here, somehow, yeah. You got a piece of me, and honestly, my life would suck without you/ ~ Kelly Clarkson {My Life Would Suck Without You}

Times Square, Ten-Fifty pm.

"No! Are you kidding?!" She laughed lightly, climbing up the steps from the subway. Multiple chuckles escaped her, as she occasionally threw her head back with a laugh. She was new here. To New York. Her dream home.

Everything about the Big Apple fascinated her. But she wasn't here for her a job, unfortunately. She was here for a funeral instead. But that was also tomorrow, and she could cut a little slack right? Spend time in the busy, glowing streets of NYC. That's all she's really wanted to do.

Just to walk around Times Square and be engulfed in the bright, multi-colored lights that lined every billboard and sign. Every car and street lamp. For just one, single, simple day - she wanted to be in the place she knew she loved.

She was on the phone with her mom, who she was glad was laughing. Her uncle, died a few days ago, and the funeral for him tomorrow was going to be big and extravagant. They didn't want that - his family, at least. But his fellow co-workers wanted to pay respect to their captain. Of course. Tomorrow, blue will be the only color that would fill her eyes and mind. It was a fact.

"Did you arrive safely?" Her mom asked.

She smiled. "Yes, mom. I'm fine."

"Okay, good."

"Why didn't you come up with me? Did your boss not allow you?"

"No. My boss is...ugh, how do I put this nicely?"

"A jackass...?" She offered. She could hear her mother scoff over the line and she couldn't help but muster a small smile.

"Watch your language, young lady!"

"Hey!" She said defensively. "It's nicer than what you were going to say, right?"

"That isn't important right now." She giggled, heading over a smoothie cart. She paid for hers and sipped at it while her mother talked on and on. "I will see you tomorrow though, sweetie. I leave on the next flight."

"Kay. Be safe, please."

"I'm the mom here, Clarissa."

"Bye," Clarissa said, hanging up and slipping her phone into her pocket.

It was nice outside. The air was cool and the night sky was cleared up with little white specks of luminescent stars. Clarissa always wondered if there was anything outside of Earth. Their home. Maybe there was. Maybe there wasn't. Maybe, we just didn't look far enough.

She always found space beguiling and foreign...but in a good way.

Hey, for all she knows there could be a super hot guy in space that kicks ass and listens to a Walkman all day long. Maybe -

Two gunshots resonated in Times Square. Everyone began screaming and running away. Clarissa began to run but soon felt a strong pain penetrate her back, sending her flying to the ground.

Her breath was slowing down, and her hands and body quivered. Clarissa's eyelids began to flutter and she could just sense the slight wet feeling of blood beneath her shirt. When she moved screams were brought upon. But she had to get somewhere safe. More gunshots.





She counted until they stopped at twelve. Twelve singular bullets. Possibly twelve bodies. She couldn't see. All she could see was a black van pull up to the curb a few feet from her and a tall, blonde guy with an FBI jacket on his body run up to her.

But after that, everything was white noise and pain.

Jessica's Perspective

"That's now fifteen bodies. One bullet was retrieved from a tree in Central Park, the other two were found in a billboard and in a potted tree." Agent Mays, the super tall, dark-haired attractive guy from the NYPD concluded as he hustled the papers together. "We now have ten dead New Yorker's, Agents. What do you have to say for yourselves?"

Kristen looked up confused. "What do we have to say for ourselves? Nothing. Because the FBI and NYPD were not at fault for this."

"You guys can't just do that!" Mays scoffed. "The FBI can't just swoop in here and blame us for a case that they should've solved in first place!"

"You invited us to here." Kristen barked. "You invited us to assist you in this case. Not to take it over. If we were the cause for anything it would by both of our hands."

"Pathetic," he shook his head, beginning to rip off the pictures. "This, everything that you see on this board, is all of your faults!"

Kristen was up now and inches from Mays. "Don't start blaming my team." She whispered.

"No." He mouthed to her. "I'm blaming you."

Her hands wrapped around his collar as she shoved him into the wall, tossing his head back and forth against the concrete. Jack and Owen shot up just as fast ready to tame both of them. Owen pulled Mays from Kris as Jack wrapped his arms around Kris' waist hoisting her in mid-air pulling her back from Mays.

"What the fuck is going on here?!" Detective Mac Taylor barked through the threshold of the door.

"Nothing, Taylor."

"It sure as hell don't look like nothing. Now get back to your work, Mays!" He wiped his nose with his hand to be met with the sight of blood.

Grumbling: he headed out of the room dabbing at his nose with a Kleenex. Taylor's eyes found Kris' as she leaned against the edge of the table. She looked a little guilty. "I apologize for the mishap, Detective Taylor. That's was my doing."

"I know."

She looked up at him. "Don't worry. Mays gets on everybody's nerves. It's his life-long goal." He moved closer, reattaching the pictures to the board. "But that didn't give you a right to pound his face into the wall."

She bowed her head. "I'd hate to pay for a new wall." All of us chuckled lightly. "I finished my one case, I don't have much on my plate now; so, if you guys would allow it, I'd like to join you on this case. It'll be a good break from Mays, don't ya' think?"

"As long as you can keep up with us," Lily said sarcastically. Mac nodded.

"I'm pretty sure I can hold my own."

Once again we laughed. He clasped his hands together, rolled up his sleeve then sat down in a chair. "So start from the beginning. Review it. And let's catch this bastard."

I like this guy already.

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