~ T H R E E ~

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/I'm tryna put you in the worst mood, ah. P1 cleaner than your church shoes, ah. Milli point two, just to hurt you, ah. All red lamb, just to tease you, ah. None of these toys on lease, too, ah. Made your whole year in a week, too, yeah. Main bitch out of your league, too, ah. Side bitch out of your league, too, ah... Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha; look what you've done - ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha; I'm a motherfucking, Star Lord! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha; look what you've done - ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha; I'm a motherfucking, Star Lord/ ~ The Weeknd *Faith's Remix* {Star Lord} *don't judge*

Kristen's Perspective

"How do I look?" Jackson asked twirling around with his arms spread apart and his unbuttoned tuxedo jacket flaring out. "Kris?" He asked again, only to be answered with silence. Sighing, he walked over to the island mom and dad had just placed in the middle of our kitchen, slid up on one of the barstools and held his head up with two balled fists and a cheeky ass grin on his face.

"I can't believe mom grounded you," he said, finding more interest in spinning on the barstool than anything else. "I mean, what'd you even do to get her that mad?"

"I existed," I retorted, turning from the island to grab two different colored bell peppers from the fridge and chop them up.

"A little harsh, don't ya' think?"

"It's called my life, Jackson. It's always been harsh," I mocked, smiling lightly but painfully, slamming the butcher's knife down on the pepper that split in half by instant contact. Jackson eyed the pepper, looked up to me, slowly got off the stool and began walking backward.

"I'd love to stay at chat, but I gotta' hot date." Jackson chimed, giving my a toothy grin.

"What? With Ethan? I knew it. You are gay," I added, beginning to chop up the smaller pieces into even smaller ones.

"No! It isn't with Ethan. He's just picking me up." He added, turning to the mirror to fix his bow-tie.

"I feel bad for the girl you're taking to prom. What's her name, again? Jill?"

"Janice." Jackson corrected through gritted teeth.

"That guy gives me the creeps," I stated, sprinkling the smaller pieces of pepper on top of the pasta bake I was making for myself.

"Who? Ethan?"

"Yeah, I dunno. He's just...odd. Kind of scares me. He also stares at me a lot."

"Either that's you being paranoid, or he's just staring at hideous you are."

"I thought that's why he stared at you," I commented with a grin. His jaw dropped and his eyes narrowed at me in the mirror.

"This stupid...gah." Flailing his arms, he huffed at himself in the mirror. Shaking my head, I made my way over to him, spun him around, took the black tie in hand and began to loop it through.

"Are you sure you don't want to just kind of escape for the night? This is your last year of prom, Kris..."

I shook my head once again, and tying the bow tightly on his neck - just enough so it fit snugly against his collar. "I'm fine. I don't have a date, anyway."

"Lemme guess, Owen's with Diana?"

"Yep. He follows her around like a lost puppy. Completely ignores me, now."

"Ah, he'll come crawling back to you. He's always does anyway," he added. The horn outside the house honked, calling Jackson's name practically to take him into the dead of night where teenagers take drugs, drink too much and have unprotected sex. Ah, to be sixteen again...

"Well, I gotta' go." Jack said, picking up the corsage he picked up earlier off the couch, tucking it into the crook of his arm. I leaned against the wall, calling out to him as he left.

"Be home by eleven!" I shouted.

Ethan's car began to pull out the drive, when Jackson's window rolled down as he stuck out his head. "Eleven thirty!"

And like that they were gone.

Sighing, I shut the door, locked it, and made my way back to the kitchen so I could cook the pasta bake that I would be unfortunately eating by myself.

"Kristen?" My gaze snapped up and forward as I looked at Joan who stood in the front of the room with the remote in her hand, everyone's eyes on me.

"Yes, sorry. Can you repeat that?"

"Hannah Casey is going to be assisting you all on the case - Charity's request." Everyone nodded, beginning to collect their things. I slowly rose up among them.

Hannah came in, struggling to hold all of her binders and papers together as she walked in. She walked past Jackson, giving him a slightly dirty look as he secretly watched from his desk. "Ms, Walker -" she said, reaching her hand out. I took it apprehensively, giving a little shake. Hannah smiled, adjusted her glasses on her face and cleared her throat. "May I just say that this is a huge, huge honor for me! I-I've heard so much about you, and-and your team and I...it's just great to be working with you on thi-"

"Stay out of my way," I cut her off, collecting the folder.

She paused and gave me a confused look. "I-I'm sorry?"

"I need you to stay out of my way during the case." I repeated. "You seem like a nice kid, really. And I don't want to come off like an ass, however, you are not an Agent; and personally, I don't agree with Charity's decision. We don't need an assistant to watch over while we work. You need to understand that," she nodded eagerly, clutching the binder even tighter. "Just stay out of the way. I don't want to send you home in a box. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Agent Walker."

I walked out of the room leaving a stunned and probably offended Hannah in the conference room. I jogged down the steps, walking past Jackson's desk. He held his leg out, stopping me in my tracks. "What was that?"

"What was what?"

"That!" He said, "From the looks of it you offended her in some way."

"That's none of your business," I stated. I began to walk away from him but he was persistent.

"Why not?" He asked gently.

I stopped, turned, and looked him straight in the eye. "When you get brought up to either a Special-Agent or second in command of this team then you'll be able to know. But for now," I leaned in closer. "Stay where you are."

I shoved him out of the way with my shoulder, making my way to where we kept our luggage.

Just another person to take of...

Just another person...

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