Chapter 14

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Closed Door Shattered Window



I pulled up at the fire station where Ethan works at to see what time I need to be at his house. I walked in and instantly all eye was set on me. “Uhm excuse me is Ethan Harbin here?” I asked an older bald man. “Yes, ma’am I will go and get him.” I waited for a few moments when I see the guy who is with Ethan all the time. He walked towards me. “Hey, it’s Journee right.” “Yes, it is.” I smiled at him. I was trying to think when I blurted out “Curtis” he laughed lightly when I joined him. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say your name like that.” “It’s fine. May I help you with something?” “I’m waiting for Ethan.” He looked at me with concerned in his eyes and I wasn’t sure of what to say.  “You don’t want me around Ethan, do you?” I asked “I don’t know you to say such a thing.” “You know what I do. He’s white and a pastor. I’m black and a stripper and prostitute. I’m guessing that is not what you want around your friend.” “Again, it is not my place. I just don’t want to see him hurt.” Before I could speck I heard Ethan call my name.

“Journee, I thought you forgot about tonight.” “No, I didn’t what time should I be there.” “You remember where I live?” “Yeah I think so.” “be their bout 6:30.” “I will see you then.” “Curtis, as always a pleasure.” I extend my hand and he took it in his. “You also.” 

After leaving I went shopping to get stuff for the new for the trip and wondered what made Ethan ask me for a dinner.”

When I got home I took a long warm shower got out put some body oil on my body then got dressed.

** Ethan **

Preparing the meal for Journee and me hoping she liked what I made. I honestly didn’t think she was going to come. I am snapped out of my thoughts when my phone rung.

“Hello” “Hey son, how is my baby boy?” My mom asks me. “I’m good mom. Kind of busy what do you need.” “What are you busy doing?” “Making dinner mom.” “Oh, how about I come and bring Chloe and we all eat together.” “No mom.” I say sharply. It was a long pause. “Mom please don’t come.” “Ethan I will respect your wishes.” “I have to go I will call you back later tonight.” “Bye, son.” “Bye mom.”

I heard a knock at my door and looked at the clock. “She is prompt. I got to give her that.” I said lowly to myself. I went and open the door and she was standing there with a smile on her face. “Please come in.” I move aside so she can come in. I watch her look around my house.  “You have an amazing place Ethan.” “Thank you.” “What are we having for dinner.” “Creamy chicken casserole, cream corn, and baked potatoes and for dessert red velvet cake with ice cream.” I say with a smile. She looks at me and I watch her walk over to trash can looking inside.

“What are you looking for?” “take out bags” “Very funny, but I can cook. I have been cooking since I was 12 started off with small things then it just builds up to everything I know now. Can you cook?” “I can I taught myself. I had to survive.” “Dinner will be ready soon. You can sit if you like.” “Thank you. Who is the brown head your always with?” “Her name is Chloe.” “Why don’t you want to be with her?” “She is not who God has for me.” “How do you know that. What if God just haven’t revealed it to you yet?”  “Trust me, I serve God and I talk to him all the time I told him the woman I want and Chloe is not it. What is your relationship like with God?” “I don’t have one.” I watched her face, her mud brown eyes staring right into mine. “Why don’t you?” “My mom took me to church until she fell ill but before she would have me sing she taught me how to. After she died I lost everything including myself I guess you can say.” The timer went off on the stove.

“Looks like dinner is ready.” “Looks like.” We stood up walking into the kitchen. “Would you like some help?” I turn to her and she stood there with a smile. “I would like that. Can you get the cups the lemonade is in the refrigerator?” “Sure thing Rev. Harbin.” She says with a smile on her face. The clicking of her heels leads to ask, “Journee how are you able to walk in those shoes well any shoes that high?” “Practice and I’m used to it.”

Sitting down I fixed plates. “I’ll say the blessing.” She nods her head and bowed her head. After the blessing, we were eating. I am still shocked she is in my house for dinner. I think to myself why, why did I ask her. What am I doing? I am brought out of my thought when she speaks.

“Ethan, this is really good.” “Thank you, ma’am.” I put my fork down and look at her. “Journee, how did you get into the life you are in now?” “Is this why you asked me here? Cause I will just go home.” “I just wanted to know about you that’s all.” “You know about my son and what happened. That’s enough.” “Journee its more to you than this. I just want to know you that’s all. Why is it so wrong for me to want to know you?” “I ran away from my last foster home when I was beaten severely and gang raped by their son and some of his sick friends and I never looked back. I was living on the street until I started prostituting then I became a stripper and made more money and I went up on the price of me selling myself.” I was about to speak when I heard my door bell ring. “Who else is coming Ethan?” “Somebody should be here. I’ll be right back.”

“Who is it?” I heard nothing so I assume it was kids or something playing. I swung the door open only to become face to face with my mom, Chloe, and her mom. “Mom what are you doing here? I asked you not to come.” “You said you was making dinner we decided that we would join you.” “Mom I said I had plans and not t……” I was cut off when I heard Journee in the background asking if everything is ok. Before I could respond the ladies pushed passed me only to come into my house.

“Ethan who is this?” My mom asked me. “Mom meet Journee, Journee this my mom, Susan. Who is not supposed to be here.” “Ethan, it is your mom. It’s fine. It is nice to meet you Mrs. Harbin.” Journee says and extends her hand to my mom. “You’re the woman who came to my house in that dress seducing my husband.” I heard Chloe’s mom say to Journee. Journee just looked at her while smiling. I can’t help but smile at that.

“Ethan dear is she aware that Chloe is you girlfriend?” I saw Journee face completely change. “Mom what ar…” I was cut off by an angry Journee. “YOUR WHAT!!!” “Journee please stop listen to me please.” “Ethan stop this now. Why is she here?” My mom asked me. “Mom I asked her to come.” “Is this why you told me and your girlfriend to stay away?” I watch Journee get her stuff. “You better stay far away from me now.” She says with venom laced in her voice and it cracking. I rushed over to the door where she was.

“Journee please stop. My mom is lying. I have told you plenty of times she is not my girlfriend and I meant it.” “Yeah you told me that but guess what every time I turn around you are with her. Stay with her.” I kept calling her name ad she ignored me walking off to her car.

I walk back in slamming the door. I lowly and calmly asked them to get out of my house then walked away to my bedroom slamming that door. I had so much anger build up and I needed to get away from them. 

** Journee**

I got home and went to eat me some ice cream. I was sitting watching television when all events played back in my mind. Tears escaped my eyes. No matter how many times I wiped my eyes they continued to fall.


“Who is it?”



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