Chapter 17

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Thing about tables… They always turn 


{Thursday night}

I found out where this Journee woman works at and sure enough she is a stripper. The thoughts play over and over in my mind what does he see in her. I am the perfect woman for him, not her. I will be Mrs. Ethan Harbin.

I see her coming from the club wear jeans, tee shirt and flip flops. Guess she isn’t a good stripper. I got out my car and walked over to her. “Excuse me Journee is it.” “Yes, that’s my name. Chloe why are you here?” “How long have you and Ethan been seeing each other?” I watch her burst out laughing in my face. “You funny, Bye.” I watch her walk off.

“Hey, I’m not done talking to you.” What the hell do you want.” “I want you to stay far away from Ethan.” “You think I want Ethan. Sweetheart look at fuck around you. I’m a stripper. I’m ‘bout to leave to and go to another club and do some bachelor parties. What the fuck do I look like fuckin with Ethan. A pastor. You a simple minded little girl if I intimate you a person who do even want your man. Girl keep him.” “Sta..” She cuts me off. “Don’t say nothing else to me.” I watched her get in her car and leave.

‘What just happened?’ I say 

** Journee**

I cannot believe the nerve of her telling me to stay away from Ethan. There is nothing there. My flight doesn’t leave ‘til 1:30am. I didn’t even realize where I ended up at, at Ethan’s house. I have what seem like every emotion known to man running through my fire veins all except love.

I yell Ethan’s name loud and bang on the door until he finally opens it. “Journee what’s wrong?” “You tell that bitch to stay far away from me. I mean it Ethan.” “First of all, tell me what you are talking about.” “Chloe, she came to my job talking about stay away from you. You know what, fuck her.” Before I could catch myself, I pulled Ethan into a kiss.  After what seem like a life time. I pulled away although I wanted more and to kiss him again I couldn’t. I turned and walked quickly to my car while Etan called my name.

I left their and went straight to the airport.


I watch Journee leave as my phone rung and I saw it was Chloe calling me. I ignored the call then called Curtis. After three rings, he answered.

“Hey man, can you come over.”

“Yeah, sure is everything alright?”

“Yes, just need to talk.”

“On my way.” 

About an hour later I hear Curtis knocking on my door. I open it to see him holding a bottle of liquor. I gave him a questioning look.  “How you sounded I though you needed something.” “Just come in.” I say.

Sitting on the couch I look at Curtis. “Chloe went to Journee’s job.” “Why?” “To tell her to stay away from me.” “My man got two ladies fighting over you. So, who are you going to choose?” “That is not my top question to answer. It is more like why is she doing this?” “Chloe or Journee?” “Right now, both. She kissed me.” “Chloe has always been one to push it the binderies.” “It wasn’t Chloe, it was Journee. Right before I called you.” 

“Does both woman like you?” “I know Chloe does, Journee I’m not sure about. She acts like she doesn’t then she does things. I know she’s going to be singing in a month at some festival thing. She has an amazing voice.” “You going to see her?” “I thought about it, but I am not sure yet.” “Let’s go see her. I will tell her it was my idea and she want know you told me.” “Curtis, I can’t lie to her.” “Fine, Ethan it’s a festival next month lets go check it out.” “I’m up for that.” “What are you going to do about Chloe?” “I’m going to handle that personally tomorrow.”

“Ethan, do you see yourself with Journee?” “Honestly, I don’t know. I also don’t know if she is who God has called me to be with.” “How will you know. He will tell me. You must know His voice. His presence and He will reveal her when it’s time. Right now, He wants me for Himself. My God is a jealous God.” “Will you that relationship before God.” “No, God will bless me with her but I need to keep praising and worshipping God for her and everything. I will stay hidden in God and God’s word but so will my wife.” “Chloe seems to be.” “Key word seems” “I hear you. I have to take off we got and early shift in the morning.” “Yeah, I know. Thanks for coming over.” “Of course, you to tomorrow.” “Bye.” 

After Curtis left I couldn’t do anything else except pray.



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