Chapter 16

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{Next day}

Getting off work I rush home to get changed for dinner with my parents. I am going to tell all of them including Chloe and her family to stay out my love life. They are not God and will not decide who I spend my time with.

While taking, my shower washing off the day’s stress away I think back to last night with Journee. Seeing her hurt and smile. Hearing talking about her dreams from the past and how much she wanted a different life. ‘Never wanted to be this woman and have this life, but you play the hand you were dealt.’ That statement from her loop through my head and wonder how much she has changed in life all together.

After getting out the shower and getting dressed I headed over to my parents’ house. When I get, their I see everyone has arrived I pray and ask God to guide my words and me. Sitting in my car a few moments more I can’t help but think when Everybody was together last Journee showed up. I laugh to myself and head to towards my parents’ house.


Waiting on the porch until my mom finally opens the door. “Hey my baby boy.” “Hey mom. How are you?” I ask while hugging her. “I’m fine. Glad you are here. Dinner is almost done come in.” Walking into the room with everybody looking at me.

“Good evening everybody. Before dinner I need to say something while we all of us are here.” “After dinner, dear there will be plenty of time to talk.” “Mom this can’t wait.”

I take a breath

“Mom I asked you not to come to my house and you barged in any way and you were disrespectful to my guest and lying to her. Why mom? I am not dating Chloe and chances are I never will. I need all of you to understand God has who He want to be my wife. If it turns out to be Chloe then OK, but until then stop. I get enough of this from people at my church saying I need to date, find a wife. God, it not ready for me to have a wife if He was He would have revealed and sent her to me.”

“Ethan, where is all of this coming from?” “Mom, you cannot be serious. Did I or did I not ask you not to come over to my house last night?” “You asked me not to.” “You ignored what I asked and came any way, but you brought along Chloe and her mom ad told Journee that Chloe is my girlfriend. I am a pastor mom, a servant of God and you lied to her to her face about me mom, your son. Do you know how bad that hurt me?” “You’re my son Ethan, I never meant to hurt you, but you and Chloe are meant to be and we all know it and it is time you face it.” “Are any of y’all listening to me?” “Son.” I hear my father say. “Chloe is the best woman for you and as for this Journee person I do not know her but if you cannot bring her to your family that says a lot.” “You know what dad your right.” I turned on my heels and walked out the door.

‘I wonder if Journee will be up for dinner tonight.’ I say to myself as I drive to her house.


Laying on the couch watching ‘Juice’ relaxing in my own zone when I hear a knock at my door. “Coming in” I yell.

The other side of the door revealed ocean eyes smiling big. “Hey Journee how are you this evening?” “I’m fine Ethan. What are you doing here?” “How about dinner.” I laugh in his face and turn going back to the couch. “What’s so funny?” He comes and sits beside me on the couch. I look up at him. “You asking me to dinner. “You must be hungry what is one little dinner.” “Did you forget about yesterday?” “Specking of dinner, it’s with my parent.” “Hell, to the mutha fucking hell no. Fuck that. I will not subject myself to that bullshit again.”

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