Chapter 39

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Never Ending Pain

** Ethan**

[2 days later]

I haven’t seen Journee in the past wo days because of work and we are doing things in the church that require my full attention. Curtis has been checking on her and letting me know how she is doing but it’s not the same.

“Curtis how is Journee?” “She is good we are going out tonight.” “Excuse me.” “Calm down E. Not like that. She said she wants to go to the event for local singers. Actually, I think its for poets as well.” “Sounds fun.” “Why don’t you show up. Surprise her.” “I might do that. I got to get going I need to have a talk with my parents tonight.” “About what?” “You will find out soon enough.”

I haven’t told Curtis yet, no one knows but I need for my parents to know I will not have them interfering in my life any more. “Ethan Harbin, are you hiding something from me. From me your best friend?” “How about this you will be the first to know out of everybody.” Curtis gave me a look. “I suppose I can deal with that.” We both laugh then I take off to go home. 

After getting home I took a long shower pondering everything that had taken place in the past two weeks. One thing is both Amber and Chloe have been dropping by the fire house or my house. I am going to tell them also it will be no more nothing. When I finished with my shower I got dressed and went to my parent’s house. 

Arriving at my parents house I see they have company and I know all to well who it is. I knocked on the door and waited for some one to answer. The door open and my mom was their all smiles when she saw me.

“Ethan” She said while hugging me. “Hey mom. Walked How are you.? I hope you don’t mind me just dropping by.” “Non sence Sweetie. I’m happy you’re here.” We walk in and I see Chloe and her mom in the front room. “Hey Ethan.” “Hello Chloe.” “Mom I can’t stay long I just come to say that I meant what I said. Please don’t butt into my love life any more. Especially now.”

“What do you mean especially now?” My dad asks with a questionable look on his face.

“Just how it sounds.” “Son do you have a girl friend?” “No dad I don’t.” “Ethan, we can make us work.” Chloe says “Yes, baby y’all can. Now Ethan you need to think about this. Chloe can give you things no other woman can.” Chloe’s mom says. “Is it her? Is it that black stripper. That one who is a prostitute? Or is it the blonde one. I can dye my hair Ethan and I can be your own personal stripper.” “Chloe, I don’t care what you do. It just won’t be with me.”

I watch my mom give Chloe a look that I can’t explain at that moment I knew I had enough. “I have to be some where. I’ll see yall for dinner Friday.” I left out heading to go meet Journee and Curtis. I send a quick text to Curtis to tell him I was on the way.

When I finally got their it took a little while to find them because of the big crowd. Once I found them. The sweet voice of God played in my mind making me smile big.

“Hey y’all” “You invited him didn’t you Curtis.” The smile left her face and she seem upset hen she turned around. “I can go if you want me to Journee.” I watched her slowly turn around with a smile on her face. Her and Curtis busted out laughing. “Did I miss something?” “I knew you was coming and the look on your face was priceless.” “Ha ha. Funny.”

“Journee, are you going to sing?” “I don’t think so. Not tonight.” “Too bad I was looking forward to you singing.” “Maybe another time.” I walked up and stood beside her as we listen to varies people sing and some do poetry. “Ethan, do you really want to hear me sing?” “What are you thinking about singing. I don’t want you to sing anything sexual.” “What’s wrong with singing sexual songs?” “Well I’m going to get something to drink. This is a conversation for y’all.” Curtis said. 

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