Chapter 1

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The Commander sat at the head of the room which was custom for her; her subjects faced her with clear faces as they watched Lexa gently twist a knife between trained fingers. Clarke noticed it's similarity to her own knife. Instinctively, her hand fell to said knife, her palm grasping around it as she found a small strange comfort in the object.

Lexa looked up and the faces of the ambassadors suddenly turned colder than usual, if that were even possible, and Clarke turned her head a little to the left to spy the other twelve as she waited. Clarke's blonde hair sat on a head that housed the only true face in the room, the only one who dared to portray any emotion.

"We are gathered here not only to convene our usual meeting, but to discuss the recent attack on the Sky People. Countless lives were lost in the cowardly slaughter. As you know, an attack on one of us is an attack on all of us."

There were several murmurs between the ambassadors, some in agreement, some in disagreement, as Lexa motioned for Titus to call in the accused. The Ice Queen was just as stone cold as her title. The scars on her face did nothing to hide the startling contrast of shiny blue that laced her eyes as rings. She moved forwards with shallow confidence even as she was pushed by two of Lexa's own warriors, an atmosphere surrounding her that made Clarke uneasy.

The Queen was pushed to the ground harshly and she tumbled to her knees. Her head was held high as she looked up to Lexa who was sat avidly on her throne, watching the woman with a calculated expression. Clarke recalled that this was the woman who had caused Lexa a lot of pain in her past, who had taken someone from her. If anyone could understand what that was like it was Clarke, and she found herself burning with an intense hatred for the woman that went beyond the death of her own people.

"The queen has confessed to the crime committed at Mount Weather which had an end result of 49 members of SkaiKru being sent to their deaths."

Titus, or rather something about him that Clarke couldn't quite put her finger on, set her on edge as he spoke. "Heda, what do you say?"

Clarke did not give Lexa the chance to speak, as truthfully, it was not her decision to make. Nothing was going to stand in the way of getting justice for her friends, Clarke would have it. "SkaiKru demands justice."

The Queen cut in with her raspy voice. "The Nation of Ice does not answer to this girl."

Titus moved forward slightly, clearly on edge. "Silence." His eyes narrowed as he focused solely on the Queen. "The punishment for the crime that you have committed is death."

Clarke held her breath slightly in anticipation for what would happen next. She took the moment to let her eyes drift over to Lexa, whose gaze was set firmly forward on the Queen, her deep brown eyes betraying no emotion as they usually never did.

Clarke could only guess what she was thinking.

STAY [CLEXA]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz