Chapter 8

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"Have you ever had the feeling that something's coming?" Clarke asked Lexa as they settled back into their room after a long night of politics.

A room they shared as two. Clarke didn't want to think of the implications of that.

"What do you mean?" Lexa asked as she began to prepare for bed.

"Have you ever had this feeling that someone's watching you... no, that's not quite what I mean." Clarke thought on for a moment. "Have you ever felt like someone's there - watching, or even waiting - but they're not truly there. Like you're imagining it but at the same time it feels so real that you couldn't possibly be?"

Lexa frowned, pausing from her preparations. "Like a ghost, Clarke?"

Clarke sighed. "I guess, but not quite."

Lexa took on a look of concern. "Clarke, what's going on?"

Clarke turned away. "It's nothing, go back to preparing for bed, Lexa."

Lexa moved closer to Clarke, brushing a hand against her shoulder in an attempt at what Clarke assumed was supposed to be comfort. "No, Clarke, please... can you elaborate on what you meant? I want to understand."

Clarke gulped in a breath and turned around to face Lexa once again. She was so close, so lovely, and so kind. There were so many layers to Lexa, so many dimensions. She was the kindest, gentlest soul that Clarke had ever come across.

She was pure.

Clarke was anything but. She desperately didn't want to taint the one good thing she had in her life.

"Maybe not that they're watching from a close distance," Clarke continued after a reluctant moment, not wanting to see the hurt look on Lexa's face any longer, "perhaps it's the possibility of them coming close. As if they are biding their time and watching how things play out. As if they can see everything that is happening with perfect clarity and calculate."

"Like someone who's omniscient?"

Clarke nodded. "I suppose so, but that would only be in regards to me."

Lexa smiled fondly at the girl. "Clarke, where had all this come from? I've never known you to think so deeply into a subject before!"

Clarke smiled lightly. "Yeah, well, I do think deeply, Lexa," the 'about you' left went unsaid; "I just don't voice those thoughts out loud."

Lexa smirked. "Oh, well, you should. I'd love to hear those thoughts. Oh, and since you've suddenly decided that you're going to peruse your intellect beyond what it is naturally capable of, we should look into introducing you into pursuing your training more eagerly. Perhaps I'll drag out my old books and we could start there?"

Lexa had decided to train Clark. The latter knew it was because the former was worried about her.

Clarke laughed. "Oh, Lexa, you're quite alright."

Lexa seemed to love their room and evidently didn't mind how small it was. Clarke didn't either but she would have preferred a little more privacy. Especially since she was currently in love with Lexa and certain things happened amidst the darkness that were out of her control.

Gosh, sometimes her life could cause so much embarrassment.

Perhaps she was thinking into things too much.

Yeah, it would probably all be fine.

Totally fine. One hundred percent.

Or... she was completely deluded and everything was going to go to shit.

Clarke nodded to herself. It was probably going to be the latter knowing her luck.

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