A Message: To All Westbury Faery Writers & Investigators

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WFS would like to humbly thank all Westbury Faery writers and investigators. Please see below.

In  this humbling moment, it is difficult to reconcile that our journey  together began only four months ago

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In this humbling moment, it is difficult to reconcile that our journey together began only four months ago. WFS was alerted to a video taking the world media by storm. Three teenagers, in the small town of Westbury, Tasmania claimed to have captured a faery on camera. Shortly after, we received a box that would change everything—for the evidence it contained was extraordinary.

You heard our plea, and a global faery research movement was borne: who is the Westbury Faery and where does she come from?

Through the investigative breakthroughs and the threats to our mere existence, you have debated, questioned, researched, connected, explored, interacted, contributed and stood with us.

Dear writers and investigators, it is thanks to you that we have made such significant leaps in answer to these questions. From the bottom of our believer-hearts, we say thank you.

Please note that the investigation is ongoing! Despite story submissions closing, please continue to explore the AR evidence, discuss theories and share your stories.

We will be making shortlist and winner announcements across our networks in the coming months, so please standby.

Faeries are real.

Arthur & Willow Beck
On behalf of World Faery Society

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