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---- flashback (pic in the media is Vicky as a child, which she will be only in this sort)

Mom looks at me with a cold glare with her red eyes, which i still don't get at the age of 6.

"You caused me to die, you damn hybrid baby." She growls. "Get out."

"But mommy, I only 6!" I exclaim in fear.

She grabs me by my red hair and throws me out. "I don't give a shit, you damn hybrid. Now go live in the woods."

"But I don't eat blood, I eat regular food."

She scoffs. "That's why I can't have you arround. You are worthless to me."

"Victoria, how dare you?!" Daddy, James, scowls at my mother. "She is only a child."

Mom has a disgusted face. "She is no child of mine."

Dad looks at me. "Go, I'll find you and protect you in the wild. Go!"

I hug daddy's leg and I run into the trees, with my small 6 year old legs. I find a pond and I sit down beside it. I hear crunching behind me. I turn to face the noise, and I am suddenly scared. A huge black wolf, growling at me.

"Please, don't hurt me." I plead. "My mommy hates me."

He growls and tries attacking me. A man grabs the dog.

"Sam, no. She is a child!" The man yells. "Hi child, I'm Billy."

I am shaking in fear. "I-I'm Vicky."

He smiles warmly. "Take care."

He drags the dog along. I see dad walk up.

"I can't join you, Vicky." He says sadly. "Your mother and I are becoming nomads with a nice man named Laurent."

I frown. "But daddy, you promised."

He frowns again, his bronze eyes filling with venom. "Next time you see me, my eyes will most likely be red, like mommy's."

I let a tear slither down my cheek as he vanishes towards where my mother is still at. I frown again and sit back down at the waters of Seattle.

I'm going to miss my parents. I hope someone finds me soon. I don't know how long I can survive on my own out here.


I walk towards an opening of the trees, to a house in Forks. I see a man alone, miserable.

"Sir?" I say in my child voice.

"Child. I can't have you." He demands. "Be gone."

I stare into his bronze eyes and I tear up. "I'm sorry, sir."

I run back into the woods and I find a cliff, I sit under the rocks, feeling very depressed. I lay my head against the rocks and I let tears escape my eye and slither down my cheeks. My parents hate me, I won't be taken in.

Carlisles POV

I feel bad, for turning that little girl down. I just changed a man in Texas, Edward. Then I found my mate, Esme; she had jumped off a cliff when she lost a child.

I have a lot on my mine. I have Esme in the house, awaiting for her to wake. I turned a little girl down and she went back into the woods. Is she homeless? That makes me feel even worse.

"Hi, Carlisle." I hear Esme. She awake.

"Hi, dear. Let's get married."

Vicky's POV

I stand at the edge of the trees, watching the man and the newer vampire, he gives her a ring. He turned me away for a woman? My frown deepens before i take a seat behind the bushes.

I see the sun dropping. I let out a shaky breath and I find a tree in these woods. Maybe if I stay in the trees around this house, someone will find me, or the man will change his mind.

I grab a large leaf off a large tree and I curl up on the tree trunk. I cover up with the large leave and I go to sleep.

Carlisle's POV.

Esme and I go into the woods, I must check on the child. I find her, wrapped in a large leaf and sleeping. Esme gasps and covers her mouth.

"How precious: Carlisle, give her your jacket."

I tug my leather coat off and I lay it over her small body. "Poor thing; I wonder what happens?"

"Maybe she will approach you again, soon." She says.

"She's a hybrid." He smiles. "Human and vampire. She sleeps and I believe she eats human food."

"She must be hungry." Esme coos. "And cold."

"Come on, lets go home."

She looks at the girl again before we go in for the night. I feel terrible for the child.

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