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Jasper shakes me awake the next morning. I groan and push him off the bed, earning an oomph and a laugh. I sigh before getting out of bed. Jasper makes my bed for me while I get dressed.

He goes to get dressed while I sizzle me some bacon. I am munching away on my breakfast when Edward walks in, fully happy.

"I'm ready to go back to school, ride with me Vicky." He says.

I nod. "Alright."

I skip upstairs and I grab my bag. I meet Edward at his Volvo. He smiles at me before we get into the car. I fasten my seatbelt and Edward pulls away from the house.

Bella walks right up to me once I am separated from my group. "Hi, I'm Bella."

"I'm Vicky Cullen." I smile.

"Walk with me?"

I walk with her into the school. Bella seems alright to me. We go out separate ways for first period. I sit with Jasper in History, with a smile on my face.

"I saw Bella talking to you." Jasper smiles.

I nod.  "She's pretty alright."

"In your book, you're part human." He scowls. "She stinks to us."

I nod before the teacher walks in. He starts today's lesson on the Vietnam war. I think of my mom and her kicking me out. I sigh and rest my head on my hands.


Edward is sitting with us today, he had talked to Bella in biology. It was awkward, but adorable nonetheless. He introduced himself finally, but stiffly.

"At least you introduced yourself, instead of being insecure about it." I tell Edward, my closest friend in the family.

He shrugs. "Yeah, but it was awkward."

"Says the one who isn't stuck beside Mike Newton the whole 45 minutes."

Edward laughs at my misery. "Your misery is amusing."

I scowl. "Shut it. Eddie-boy."

He glares at me playfully and the others are just amused. I see Bella staring at us from the corner of my eye. Jasper holds my hand, and Bella looks off in relief.

"She needs to know, I'm your best friend Eddie." I smirk.

He scoffs. "Says who?"

"Says you, dumbass." I scowl.

He chuckles. "Kidding. I know, Vicky."

Bella still appears to be jealous that I might have something going on with Edward. Not quite, princess. I'm with Jasper, and I am as happy as ever.


We are all by the vehicles after school. It's raining now, the parking lot is darker with rain water. I hear tires squealing and I see a black van found after her, not meaning to. The wet roads are dangerous.

Before the van could hit Bella, Edward flashes over. He tabs her and stops the van. Rosalie cusses loudly before we all go to meet them at the hospital.

Jasper holds my hand as we enter the local hospital. Carlisle and Rosalie are talking to Edward, probably scolding him for exposing us for Bella.

"Can I talk to you?" Jasper and I hear Bella ask Edward.

"The trouble and the vampire." I say with a smirk. "How about that?"

Jasper wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Molina is bringing the junior class to the green house tomorrow."

My eyes brighten, I love nature. "Amazing, I love nature."

Jasper kisses the side of my head and he drives me home. We walk inside and Esme greets us.  She hands me some steak and she rants about Edward. Esme knows I'm her shoulder to rant on.

Jasper is beside me, by the fire, when the others walk in. Edward storms upstairs and I hear his room door slam. Was that his?

"I'll be back." I sigh.

I climb the stairs and find Edward in my room. "What's wrong, Eddie?"

"I screwed up, she will find out now." He grumble.

"On her own, you won't be the one to tell her." I tell him sternly, taking a seat on my bed, he's on my chair.

"I'm not going to, but I won't deny it when she finds out." He shrugs.

"That's alright, but let her find it out on her own." I say.

He looks at me. "You're a real good friend, Victoria Carmella Cullen."

"So, I've heard." I smirk.

Edward smirks before he pats my and walks out. I grin and I change into some pajamas. Jasper walks in and sits in my chair too.

"How did Edward do?" He asks.

"He regrets doing it, but he said he won't debt it when Bella finds out." I reply. "I said that's fine, just to let her find out in her own."

"You're a good friend to Edward." Jasper smiles.

"That's what he told me, and the entire family to top it off." I say with a small blush.

"You're cute when you blush." Jasper kisses me deeply and we fall back on my bed.

I cuddle up against him when he lays back. Jasper wraps his arms around me in a protective manner as I drift off to sleep.

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