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2 months later

"Bella, head up!" I squeal before nausea hits. "Alice!"

I run upstairs and I erupt into the toilet. I groan in misery. I have puked several times this week. I get up and I dust my knees off. My heartbeat is rapid from throwing up. I've been craving human food.

"Rose, where is Carlisle?" I ask.

"His office." She replies.

I walk upstairs. "Dr Cullen."

"That doesn't sound good." He smiles. "What's going on, miss Whitlock?"

"I think I may be pregnant."

He smiles and he does a test. It comes out positive. He hugs me and sends me on my way. I show the positive slip to the coven, Jasper included. He hugs me.

"It will be born in one months." I smile.

"Good thing the wedding is tomorrow!" Alice chirps.

I nod in agreement. Bella congratulates me and Jasper on the pregnancy. I thank her and send her away for some beauty sleep. Jasper and I go o to the balcony and watch the trees in the daylight. I admit, I just wanted Bella away from me until the wedding tomorrow.

Jasper kisses me before bending down to my noticeably stomach bulging out of my halter top. He just smiles and he holds me closely. The baby actually kicks. I should have noticed my fat stomach when I got dressed this morning. Jasper and I go inside. Esme hands me some ribs, BBQ styled.

"Mm." I moan as I take a bite.

"I can't believe the baby is due next month." Rosalie smiles.

"I can't believe I didn't realize my weight gain when I got dressed this morning." I mutter.

"I noticed." Esme says with a smile. "I'll call Peter and Helga."

I grin, I forgot they adopted me. I walk up to the bathroom and I take a shower. I run the soap on my body as I wash it with body wash. I rinse it off and I am smiling my entire shower.

I find Rosalie on the balcony. "Just the vampire I was looking for."

"What's up, Vicky?" She asks, turning to face me.

"Would you like to be godmother?" I ask.

Her eyes widen before she hugs me closely. "I would love to."

I smile before we walk inside again. Emmett smiles at the two of us, I know he heard the conversation. I eat a chip from Bella's plate, she has returned.


"Go home, and get plenty of beauty sleep." I tell Bella.

"Alright, ranks Vicky." She smiles.

"Of course." I kiss her cheek. "You'll look beautiful tomorrow."

"Thanks, again."

She leaves the house and drives home. I sigh in relief and I go to check on the ceremony space. It looks lovely, and it is complete. I thank the guys before I walk upstairs, with my hand on my stomach. I eat a can of pineapples and I go to my room. It is my time to sleep.

I roll over and I face the window. Jasper rubs my sore back as I fall off to sleep.

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