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02.34 p.m

jimin: hey
jimin: what's up?

jungkook: hello
jungkook: nothing
jungkook: boring class

jimin: no wonder tae chat with u the whole time

jungkook: haha yes
jungkook: often

jimin: he's next to me
jimin: sleeping
jimin: drooling...

jungkook: he drools?
jungkook: i'm not surprised haha

jimin: ofc
jimin: that's not something to be surprised about

jungkook: he's kind of cute
jungkook: was he always sleeping in class?

jimin: what cute
jimin: hmm
jimin: most of time

jungkook: really?
jungkook: he seemed tired
jungkook: i actually have something to talk about to him
jungkook: but i guess i'll tell him later then

jimin: what is it about?
jimin: why don't you talk about it to me?
jimin: then i'll tell him too

jungkook: hmm
jungkook: no, i guess i'll just talk to him myself :)

jimin: kay
jimin: if it's your choice
jimin: i chat w/ you cuz i'm actually ignoring someone who's staring at me

jungkook: who??
jungkook: that sounds pretty scary tbh

jimin: no one.
jimin: you won't know him but he's a classmate
jimin: i don't like him
jimin: he always stares at me
jimin: it gets annoying

jungkook: i know..
jungkook: doesn't he has a life lol
jungkook: just look away
jungkook: sorry hyung i gotta go to the lab

jimin: okay
jimin: nice talking to you

jungkook: you too :)

jimin: cool -not sent

sorry for the late update :"

[COMPLETED] Interrupter (Book 2 of Chat) | vk.ymWhere stories live. Discover now