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06.13 p.m.

taehyung: I suddenly think about you
taehyung: and it makes me want to talk with you

jungkook: hmm
jungkook: okay
jungkook: I'm fine btw if you ask

taehyung: you sure?
taehyung: we've been hanging out for while now
taehyung: and also with jimin
taehyung: what do you think of him?

jungkook: about jimin hyung?
jungkook: I think he's a really nice person
jungkook: and also
jungkook: he's fun to chat with

taehyung: you chat with him>
taehyung: *?
taehyung: since when?
taehyung: he never asked me for your number

jungkook: really? Idk..
jungkook: we have chatted for a while
jungkook: I don't even remember when we started
jungkook: I often talked about our conversation in here to him

taehyung: he's creepy
taehyung: oh, right
taehyung: he often scrolled down my contacts
taehyung: maybe he got your number that way

jungkook: you don't lock your phone?

taehyung: I do, but we're best friends
taehyung: so we both know each phone's password

jungkook: weird
jungkook: you shouldn't have done that

taehyung: btw, your password is 'babyboykookie'
taehyung: admit it

jungkook: hyung!!!
jungkook: how did you-
jungkook: you're creepy!!!!!

taehyung: lol
taehyung: so I'm not wrong

jungkook: I'm out

taehyung: nighty<3

[COMPLETED] Interrupter (Book 2 of Chat) | vk.ymWhere stories live. Discover now