Chapter 16

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I couldn't believe how fast these few days have went by. The ball was tonight and I still wasn't really sure how I was feeling. Elizabeth had sent me a dress with a letter saying how much everyone missed me. I knew tonight was going to be stressful until I had to make my decision. Now with each minute going by I didn't know which way I was going. My mother was helping me get ready and it seemed like she was going the extra mile to make sure that everything went perfect tonight. I was arriving at the ball with my parents. I know Phillip wanted me to go with him but I couldn't make that commitment yet. I didn't leave my house much in the time of coming home. I knew the town was talking about how I had left the castle it seemed like that was all they did and many did come over and tried to talk to me but I wasn't seeing anyone.

"Do you know what you are going to do?"

"No I still have my doubts with either way I go. I don't want to mess up and I am sure if I go one way of another then someone will be hurt."

"Well don't sacrifice your happiness to please everyone else. You need to make yourself happy in the long run. That is all your father and I want is to make sure you are happy."

It was good to hear that my parents just wanted me to be happy. It was a little pressure off of me but I still needed to choose and it basically came down to Phillip and Adam. I turned around as my mom pulled the strings to tie my dress together. I couldn't believe how gorgeous the dress looked that Elizabeth sent me. It was a gorgeous baby blue ball gown that had stones all over that made it sparkle. Once the dress was on I put the finishing touches on my hair and I was ready to go. I made my way out to my father. My mom was behind me she was ready to head out too. The carriage was waiting for us and we made our way out of the house. It would only be a short ride to the castle. 


We made it to the castle, the footman opened the carriage door and held a hand out for me to come out. Once we were all out my father held out his arms out for both of us to take hold of them. We made our way up the steps and waited in line to be introduced into the party. The doorman greeted us and then cleared his throat and then introduced my family. Everyone turned their heads when they heard my name. It seemed like everyone was filled in on what happened and it seems they were all here to find out what was going on. I noticed Elizabeth was already enjoying the party with her being surrounded by gentlemen like she always was. But it was who was standing next to her that had my attention. Phillip was standing next to his sister talking with his friends. Once my name was said he turned his attention to me and I was wondering if he would meet me at the bottom of the stairs or if he was still mad at me. I took a deep breath and started on down the stairs. I no longer was holding onto my dad's arm. I was looking out into the crowd but my eyes kept going back to Phillip. I just wanted to talk to him there was so much in my mind. It was like he was thinking the same thing because we was waiting for me when I reached the bottom.


I curtsied and gave a small smile when I was in front of him. I could feel my heart to start racing and I was doing everything to hold it in. The last few days I was able to get a lot of thinking done and it was nice to get it all sorted for the most part.  


He held out his hand and I put mine in his. He led me to the dance floor and we waited for the next song to begin. The music began and we started to dance. I wasn't sure if anything was going to be said but I could feel everyone watching us. It was like everyone was waiting to watch a show like something would happen at any moment. 

"I am glad to see you again."

"I am sorry that I left but I needed to get some space to think. I had so much going on in my head and so many people telling me what to think or do. I just wanted to find myself again."

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