Chapter 17

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Waking up it took a while to get moving only because it felt like I was hungover and I didn't even drink that much. I didn't think I drank that much during the ball last night. I got out of bed because I knew I couldn't stay in here forever to hide from the rest of the world. It was when I got out of my bed and realized I was home that I was back in the 21st century. I was in the outfit I went to bed in when I woke up in the past. It was like no time has changed at all. I went downstairs and saw my mom cooking breakfast. She didn't look up when I sat down at the counter.

"Good morning."

"Good morning sweetie. Don't you have to get ready for school?" 

I looked at my clock and realized she was right. I had school in thirty minutes and I should probably be getting dressed right now. I rushed back upstairs and started going through my clothes. There was nothing in here that seemed was right to wear. Of course after having all those gorgeous dresses none of my regular clothes would ever be good enough. I got ready and dressed and made my way back downstairs.

"Well that is more like it. I almost thought you forgot about school."

 I just gave her a laugh because how could I tell her that I did because for the last three months or so I was living in a world where girls didn't get educated. That I was in a time where school wasn't a thing you went to, hat you had daily lessons.

"I guess I thought I woke up a lot earlier than I did. I don't know where my head is." 

She handed me a plate of food for me to get breakfast in. After taking a few minutes to eat I put the empty plate in the sink and grabbed my bag to head out the door. As I made it out the door I saw Adam pulling up in his car. 

"Hey I figured you would need a ride?"

"Well of course I do. You know me too well." 

I jumped into his car. I wasn't going to ask him if he knew anything about traveling back in time. Maybe I just had a vivid dream and none of it really happened. I heard people dream about what they want and sometimes those dreams can seem real.

"I had fun at our date last night."

"Yea it was fun. I'm not sure if I am ready to move this relationship past friends though. I don't want to ruin something we have for something that we could have. I just want to see how it all plays out."

Maybe that was why I had the dream so I would be able to let Adam know how I feel without feeling like a horrible person myself. I was able to build the confidence in me that I felt I would be able to accomplish anything now. 

"I understand and I don't plan on pushing it any farther."

 We pulled into the school parking lot and he got his usual spot for this week. We got out of the car and made our way to the doors to enter school. Like always Kara was standing by the doors waiting for us. It felt like it had been months since I have seen her. I couldn't act like it was though because time didn't change here.

"Hey guys how did your night go last night?"

"It was fun. We saw the new King Arthur movie they had a special preview showing."

"It wasn't bad at all. I didn't think I would like the movie but it turns out that I did enjoy it." 

Adam went into the school first then Kara and I followed him. We stayed back from him. I knew she wanted to talk and she didn't want him to hear anything. She didn't want to be left out and being able to know how I felt last night was something she would be able to help me with. 

"So how did it really go?"

"It was great. I enjoyed the movie and then afterwards he brought me home. There isn't much to it. We talked this morning and I told him I didn't want to be more than friends right now. I didn't want to ruin what we had for something that could happen."

A Trip In TimeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin