1. Heroina

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Latin.  Etymology of the word: Heroine.

Adrienne Miller smiled thoughtfully while sitting in her balcony.  She has just finished unpacking her clothes and putting all her furniture in place.  Her new apartment is clean, fully decorated and shows every bit of her personality.  From every vase, to every painting and every jar.  She just loved it. 

She was very tired, having spent the rest of the day tidying up and decorating her new haven, but she was contented.  She didn’t ask the help of her friends.  She employed the services of an interior designer.  She gave them a budget and a contemporary theme, and told them that she preferred the colors red, beige, white and brown.  She specified for them to use nature and abstract paintings, and elegant, silver and glass vases.

She was quite happy with the results.  She intends to have her friends over in the next weeks and she was glad that her interior designer did an amazing job.  She paid her a fortune but she thought that she only needed to do it once.  And what is an expensive apartment if it didn’t look exactly the way you want it to?

She was able to mortgage her own place.  It wasn’t cheap but it was everything she ever wanted.  It was in one of those high-end areas in Manhattan, just five blocks from her office.  It was an expensive two-bedroom apartment that has a large balcony, a big living room, two en-suite baths and walk-in closets.  She placed a table and four steel chairs on the balcony, that has a wonderful view of New York.

The moment her broker showed her the apartment, she knew this is where she would like to live in.  It was expensive, but she never indulged in expensive bags, clothes or makeup anyway.  One of her dreams was owning her own haven that she couldn’t wait to come home to.  A place where she might spend the rest of her life in.  And according to her friends, this is where she will weary away her virgin years.

Yes.  Adrienne Miller is twenty-five years old and never been touched and infrequently kissed.

She has a boyfriend.  Troy.  Although they have been together three years, they do not see each other every single day.  He is in Medical School with her sister in Massachusetts.  She’s working as an editor in New York.

For her, he’s a wonderful guy.  Old-fashioned.  Gentleman.  He never suggested they go to bed together and she was thankful, because she knew that when she does decide to lose her preciously virtue, she wanted it to be very intense.  The moment and the person had to be both right.  The experience must be unforgettable.  She wanted no regrets.  She didn’t hold on to it for so long for nothing.  She won’t have sex just for the sake of losing her virginity.  She wanted it to be electrifying and memorable.  She wanted to remember the person and the moment with a smile on her face even when her hair turns gray.

Their parents were friends.  They me at a party.  Adrienne thought he was cute.  During those times, she would prefer devilishly handsome guys.  But then she wasn’t really willing to pay the high price of being with one.  The last thing she wanted was someone hot, but doesn’t have the hots only for her.  Someone who would only fool around with prettier girls.  So she settled with safe.  Cute.  And Troy with his dark blonde hair and dark brown eyes, tan skin and deep dimples on his cheeks was exactly that.

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