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Adolescence is bittersweet phase for most boys and girls. By grade eight, some kids had already blossomed into the blundering world of puberty, whereas others were still stuck in puerile childhood. It all depends on the human body, all of which are unique and mature to their own schedules. It is also a time for change, when kids discover who their real friends are and grow comfortable in their skin. It's when new feelings arise and a child discovers him or herself, both mentally and physically.

For Louis Tomlinson, however, grade eight was a time for awkward immaturity.

Harry, conversely, was an early bloomer. His shoulders broadened by the time he was eleven. His voice deepened, just a little bit, and he hit a random growth spurt, causing him to tower over his best mate. He started having weird feelings about girls, and dreams about them, too. He grew pimples on his cheeks and zits on his forehead.

On the other hand, Louis was still an innocent little boy. He grew a few inches, perhaps he lost some of his baby fat, but that's about it. He still had gaps in between his teeth and was obsessed with princesses, glitter, and everything in between. His affliction with girly things died down slightly— it was softer around the edges and wasn't as publicly expressed, but still just as bright.

It was only a matter of time before Louis noticed how Harry's body was changing, but not his. He had bony chicken arms, while Harry had faint yet noticeable biceps. While Harry was fully maturing, becoming a teenager, Louis was still stuck in childhood. It didn't bother Louis, though, because he hated the idea of growing up. According to Harry, and also the uncomfortable health classes taught in their school curriculum, puberty involved body transformations, mood swings, and emotional ups and downs. He wasn't necessarily eager to go through those drastic changes.

Despite his development, Harry's personality didn't change one bit as he entered his pre-teen years. Of course, he matured, was wiser, and became a little more social; however, he was, with the exception of his new found curiosity for girls, still the same dorky boy who he was in grade one. Louis loved that about him. Whilst most kids were ditching their friends and trying to adjust to their new anatomy, Harry never left Louis's side.

At least, Louis hoped he wouldn't.


The two boys couldn't stop passing notes back and forth. It was almost like a game— seeing how far they could push the limits until they got caught. They folded up little pieces of paper and slipped them to each other when the teacher wasn't looking. They wrote notes like this in every class the two boys shared; sex-ed was no exception.

The girls in the classroom avoided their eyes as the teacher drew a vivid diagram on the chalkboard. They didn't want to know what was going on inside their own bodies. The teacher explained how every month, a girl sheds the lining of her uterus, known as a period. The girls grimaced and the boys laughed, trying to shake off the awkwardness.

"Quiet down, class. Menstruation is nothing to be embarrassed about," the teacher, Mrs. Bennet, explained. She was a middle aged woman with straw-like blond hair. She wore colourful makeup that did nothing positive for her appearance; bright pink lipstick, blue eye shadow, and eyeliner that resembled a thick Sharpie marker. No one really took her seriously.

Louis passed Harry a note swiftly whilst Mrs. Bennet was occupied explaining menopause. Louis unfolded it quickly, reading it over. He was very thankful that Harry had such neat handwriting. It made it much easier for his brain to process the words and understand them.

she looks like a clown, it read, referring to her obnoxious makeup.

Louis couldn't help but bark out a laugh. He slapped his hand over his mouth immediately afterwards and regretted it. Mrs. Bennet turned around, threateningly, and sent him a glare.

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