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Eventually, the doctors released Louis from the hospital, with only a few cuts and bruises as reminders of the incident. He changed out of the loose-fitting hospital gown and into the clean change of clothes that Jay had brought from home They smelled like their house— a mixture of laundry detergent, cigarette smoke, and vanilla candles. Somehow, this scent calmed him down as he slipped on his red jumper and jogging bottoms. His mother had figured that Lou would want to sleep on the car ride home, hence the comfortable clothes.

To be honest, Louis was just happy to get out of the scratchy, stiff hospital gown. It felt like sandpaper against his skin. Needless to say, he was really appreciative to feel the touch of warm cotton instead.

He took one last glance in the mirror, which hung over the dirty hospital sink. He brushed his feathery hair out of his eyes, revealing the dark bruise on the side of his head, near his temple. He raised his hand to touch it but then winced and took it away. He looked like a shadow of his old self. He wasn't away for long, but the physical and emotional effects were already starting to take a toll on him.

But he had to be strong— not for himself, but for his mother and Harry.

He could faintly hear Dr. Jefferson talking to his mum out in the other room. He wasn't sure what exactly they were saying, but it caused his stomach to twist.

Taking a deep breath, Louis stepped out of the hospital's dingy bathroom. He was greeted once again by the doctor, his mum, and Harry.

"Ready to leave?" Jay asked softly, clutching onto a stack of forms. They covered topics from PTSD to depression and self-blame. She had a lot of reading to do, certainly.

"Yes," answered Louis.

But in truth, he was nervous sick about going home. He wasn't sure how they'd adjust to everything. Would it go back to normal? Was there even a "normal" without Joseph? More importantly, he was worried about his mother. Although Joseph was a lazy drunk, he worked odd jobs from time to time in order to help pay for the house. Now that source of income was gone and, really, Louis was sort of to blame. It was the worst feeling in the world.

"You're a good kid, Louis. You're the bravest lad I've ever met. Feel better," the doctor said, giving Louis's shoulder a gentle squeeze.

Louis smiled back, timidly. "Thank you."

But behind his facade, Harry sensed Louis's nervousness. He picked up his smaller hand and squeezed it, rubbing his thumb over the back. Louis just absentmindedly chewed on the inside of his cheek, eyes staring off into space. It was like he was struggling to grasp reality.

"C'mon, boys," Jay said, gesturing for them to follow. "Thank you again, doctor."

"No problem. Ring me if you have any troubles," Dr. Jefferson answered, shaking her hand.

As they left the hospital, silently sweeping through the halls, Louis kept to himself. He followed Harry and Jay like a ghost. He was just so tired and angry and scared. He wanted nothing more than to sleep for hours. Not because he was tired, but because in his dreams, he could forget about everything.

So of course, Louis fell asleep as soon as they got into the car. He quietly hopped into the back seat, sliding in right next to Harry. He fell asleep in a matter of minutes, head falling comfortably onto his shoulder.


By the time they arrived back in Oak Hollow, it was already evening. The sun was just starting to set, painting streaks of pink and orange across the great canvas in the sky. It was cold, too, with an inch or so of light snow on the ground. When they pulled into the Tomlinsons' driveway, Harry started carding his fingers through Louis's hair, trying to wake him up as peacefully as possible.

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