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The first time Harry kissed his girlfriend, Lexi, it was under the bleachers at their school, after a football match. It was only four days after he kissed Louis. Harry'd felt so anxious and nervous when he grabbed Lexi's delicate hands, holding them in his own. He smiled at her fingernails; she'd painted them their school's colours with glitter on top.

"What are you smiling about?" she had asked him, cheeks turning pink.

"You," Harry replied softly.

And then he leaned in and kissed her. He cupped her face and brought her in closer, lips falling into place. He expected to feel a spark, like he had with Louis. Her lips were warm and soft and tasted sweet.

But there were no fireworks going off in his mind.

Harry didn't understand it at all. He couldn't describe how kissing Lexi felt. Dull, maybe, or perhaps boring. Those might be good adjectives, but they don't really fully explain the feeling. Hell, even Harry couldn't fully explain the feeling to himself.

When he kissed Louis, it was like a flickering flame. Although the two best mates hadn't discussed it aloud yet, Harry'd been thinking about it a lot. It was something so unexplored and refreshing. Kissing Louis was magical, as cheesy as that might sound; however, when he kissed Lexi for the first time, it felt . . . flat. No fireworks, no butterflies, no excitement. Kind of like how when you kiss the back of your hand, you don't feel anything emotionally, just physically. It wasn't that Lexi was a bad kisser, per se, it was just different than kissing Lou and he didn't know why. It wasn't as thrilling.

Harry brushed it off. It was probably just because Louis was his first kiss, and that's why it felt so exhilarating. Or maybe he just needed practice with Lexi. After all, Louis'd been his friend since grade one, and he'd only just met Lexi a few months prior. He already knew Louis's body and was familiar with it, so he knew what to do, and that's why the kiss was so good. With time, kissing Lexi would get better.

It was a logical explanation, right?

Until then, Lexi had other amazing qualities. He was lucky to have her as a girlfriend . . . but then why couldn't he stop thinking about Louis's lips, and how they felt against his?


"I kissed Lexi last night," Harry blurted out the next morning. He and Louis was standing at their bus stop, waiting for it to arrive. Louis was stunned by this. He looked up, trying to hide the jealousy flaring in his tummy. His blue eyes flickered across Harry's countenance.

"You did?" His voice was shy and vulnerable.

"Yup," Harry nodded.

"Oh," Louis hummed. "Well, good for you"

He shrugged. "I guess so."

"You guess?" Louis asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"Yeah," he breathed. "I mean, it just felt . . . weird."

Louis blinked at him. "It was your first kiss, Harry. I think it is supposed to feel weird."

"It wasn't my first kiss, really," the green-eyed boy chuckled.

Louis's face turned red. He looked down at his feet and kicked a stray pebble with the toe of his shoe. He didn't want to think about what they did. He felt guilty about it, but happy at the same time— guilty because Harry had a girlfriend, yet happy because he actually got attention from him, the attention he was craving oh so dearly.

"Hey," Harry spoke up, resting a hand on his friends shoulder. "I was just joking, mate."

"Mate," Louis muttered under his breath. "Right, I'm just your mate."

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